Sunday, January 12, 2014

A Little Try Out

Ok.. gotta admit that I actually forgot that this blog existed until, well, now.

Amazing! Not one post in 2013! And I thought I lost it all until another thought appeared! And viola! I am backkkkkkk...

I don't really know if anyone else would still be interested in reading this blog. But I guess I owe it to myself.. for my lack of expressions and creativity these days. Darn, not that I have ever been thatttttt creative.. but ah well, it has to start somewhere and since it is only for self-entertainment, why not, right?

Well, for starters - I finally moved from a big huge house to a all-I-ever-wanted home on the memorable 19 October 2013. Though the entire process had been physically and mentally tiring from selling the Semi Dee to moving to Dad's and monitoring the renovators of the new home, to again, moving from Dad's to the new home. Not to mention the dealings with lawyers and banks and agents and the owner and the buyer of both respective properties. Huge process I tell you. But all well worth it.

And no, that is the supposed to be the content of this entry. But it has some relevance.

The new home - ahhhh.... such a beautiful place. I could just sit at the balcony, stare at the swimming pool (yups, mine faces the swimming pool) and smile stupidly into the air; totally immersed in the enjoyment of experiencing just that. Balcony sight, water sounds and cool air. I knew that my life would not be like before. Not that I am in anyway consciously making a change, but it was a natural change because I finally feel a lot more lighter and peaceful eversince I set foot into this home. Not to say the home before this was bad - it was good too, just that it wasn't really my place. It was meant for something else. And here, it's home.

So, dad has always been  harping on me to learn cooking. And seriously, it is not that I don't want to, but for some strange reason, I was just not ready for it. I do enjoy the process of cooking but I guess I prioritized other stuffs before this choice of experience.

And for some reason, I decided to cook up a dish! Got ingredients ready and also LL over to assist in the process. This was yesterday, by the way.

We cooked Creamy Sweet Potato Soup, Roasted Vegetables & Baked Fish.

And it turned out looking like this: -

The purple grainy thing is actually 10 grains rice. The guardian angel cooked it.

Now, I have to admit that it looked awesome. Except for the soup bowl (I didn't have those Western Soup Bowls and will make a note to get them soon), I think the colour combination went pretty well.

And the taste....


though.... I did think the fish was a little bland. LL thought it was delicious. I think she tasted the love behind the cooking rather than the actual fish! haha..

Well, constructive advise was given - use better fishes, marinate longer, use stronger spices - ALL NOTED!! and will definitely attempt this again till it is perfected!!!!

Why fish? Amateur cooker - so trying out the easy dishes to build confidence. :D

Happy New Year, Y'all!!!


  1. Hello Gerry,

    Good to see you posting here again. Happy new Year to you!

    I love roasted vegetables and fish. Yummy yummy!

    1. Hi mun,

      I am glad to be back here.. and hopefully, more postings this year! :)
