Friday, December 24, 2010

Ma Maison

It is our anniversary month and he did well. A few days ago, he asked me if I was free on 23rd as he wanted to bring me out for dinner. I said ok. I did not even ask where. And then I remembered, that it was to celebrate our anniversary though one day before the actual.

He came home from work, and rested. He waited for me to finish an important phonecall I needed to make before we proceeded for dinner. He still did not tell me where we were going, except that we were going to a french restaurant. He himself has not been there. It was a new adventure for both of us.

When we arrived there, we were greeted by a frenchman, the owner - Ba'ton. Don't know how, we just started talking and eventually joined tables with two other guests there. So 5 of us chatted like we were some old friends throughout dinner.

Dinner was really good and company was warm. Ba'ton kept telling us that this restaurant is not a restaurant, but his home, and it was born out of love and shared with us his love story. It was such heartwarming to receive some sharing of love from someone we didn't even know but felt like we knew him forever...

Food was really good.. it was authentic and very much like home-cooked. Hubby commented that he could tell that the food was cooked with passion and love, which very much spoke of Ba'ton. I'd say he is a funny and really open guy, often hopping from one table to another not to make his customers happy, but to make customers his friends...

So if you are keen on french food and enjoy the comfort of a cozy ambience, check out Ma Masion. By the way, Ma Masion also means My home, in french.

Blessed Christmas everyone. :)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Drama, Drama

Weather was cold. Flight was delayed. Thea didn't want dinner. Didn't sleep on board (me, I mean). No nasi bryani (thank God nasi lemak was not bad). Drizzling when arrived. Car cannot start. Thea vomitted. Argue with hubby. Went to hospital (thank God for Bee). Feed Thea medicine. Unpack bags. Repack bags. Received inspiration to write (not this blog though). And it is now 3:47am.

Shucks, got to wake up early tomorrow...

Hmm, strangely, amidst the drama - still feeling peaceful and calm. Nice! :)

Monday, December 13, 2010

Puzzle Completed!

Finally completed the puzzle this morning in between the have-tos. Turned out to be a beautiful piece, with much help from hubby, Thea, Bee and guardian angel.

Hubby kinda got addicted to it and we are ready to embark on our next piece soon enough, as soon as we come back from our family holiday. Can't wait...  :)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Blue & Purple

I got myself busy since yesterday afternoon with this 1000 pieces jigsaw puzzle set that I bought quite recently. It is the one which glows in the dark.

Guardian angel and Thea was helping me sort out the colours and also to helped to fixed the puzzle together. I must say that progress is quite well.

Nevertheless, it has come to a point now that guardian angel and I can't really tell the bloody difference between blue and purple and we were nearly bonkers! We laughed at each other frequently and it was enjoyable. Hubby thought he was such great help when he managed to find one or two pieces that fits. Well, better than nothing.. haha!

Guardian angel commented that  we might take about 4 days to complete it if we diligently took time and effort to put them altogether. I don't really have a time frame, except that I hope I can frame it up in time and give it to bestie as a christmas pressie. :)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sing Sung Bluessss

We wanted to go Karaoke on Sunday, but Bee & Prissy was not free and suggested it on a Monday night instead since Tuesday (today) is a public holiday.

So after dinner at Jon's, we proceeded to Karaoke at about 10ish.

It was really, really fun.... can't believe that these young people were singing old soul songs! haha! And boy, hubby was hogging the microphone, and Bee can really sing! It was awesome to hear Prissy finally sing too! And I must say.. not bad, not bad...

You know, my brothers are really funny... they always make me laugh. I am so grateful for them. :)

We sang till the last song and left Karaoke at about 3am. First time ever I stayed at a karaoke till this late and Bee was saying that it is the earliest he has ever left a karaoke SOBER! haha!

I had a pretty swell time though by the time I got home, I was D-E-A-D. But still look bout 5-10 minutes to do some reading before dozing off...

2 nights in a row now that I get to sleep on my bed.. ahhh... feels like heaven....

Monday, December 6, 2010

Movie Night

Last night, hubby and I went to Gardens for dinner and to catch Narnia. It was a planned outing. What wasn't planned was to catch HP7 (again for me, that is) right after Narnia.

Narnia ended at about 11:55pm and HP7 started at 11:45pm and when we walked into the the cinema for HP7, there was only 4 of us (2 strangers and hubby and I). The whole cinema was empty. Well, it is not unexpected since it is a Sunday night!

We got home at about 2ish and was dead tired. It was time well spent with hubby and hubby and I was discussing how come we keep saying that we ought to do these more often but never get about doing it! Haha!

Tonight will be another night of family. :D

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Dinner & Movie Night

I actually thought that I was going to miss HP7. Thank God bestie agreed last night to watch with me.

We had dinner, and perfect moments of expressions and sharing.

And HP7 never fails to entrap me into fantasy land...

Thanks babe... muaks!

Thursday, December 2, 2010


So fast time has flown, and it is now the month of December and this friday is already the last day of school for Thea. There are already a few activities lined up for her and I am excited for her for the fun that I trust she will soon experience.

I will be working on several stuffs.. a long term one and also several that are coming up which I too trust will fulfill me. Actually, if I hold no judgments on my moments, each moment is freeing and is an enjoyment and a fulfilment.

I am looking forward to catch up with friends, and also to get started on a few things that I have been prolonging for the longest time. The new PC will definitely help. :)

Have a lovely December everyone!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Inked Again!

I have been thinking of getting a second tattoo for quite some time. I think I mentioned it in some previous entries. A loved one designed it for me - simply beautiful.

After ding-ding-dong-dong for quite a while, I took the printed design to the tattoo parlour to make an deposit and an appointment which I had expected to be say, 2-3 weeks from yesterday? And she asked me, "are you free now? we could do it for you right away!" I was shocked... but since I had to fetch Thea from school in an hour, and it didn't cross my mind to ask my beloved brother for assistance, I blurted that I can't. And she suggested again, "how about Friday?" wow, this was interesting! As the dates didn't seem quite far off! This place has been known for being fully booked and I must be lucky! Finally settled in for today at 11am.

The experience this time round was somewhat different from the first. The first time was a lot of nervousness and this time, there was a lot of excitement and joy. I had to keep bringing myself back from the excitement otherwise I'd be skipping and jumping all over! A lady at the bench asked me, "are you nervous?" I smiled and said, "surprisingly, no! I am estatic!"

The whole process of drawing and inking took about 2 hours. Painful? hmm.. yes and no.. and I had so much fun chatting with Lina, the tattoo artist. It was like finding a kindred spirit in the midst of a tattoo inking session!!

The end result - beautiful... and I don't know how to express the joy and gratitude I feel for the experience. Poor hubby has to wait for 3 months for his tattoo session... and I got mine almost instanteously!

I can't help admiring it. At least now I get to see the dragonfly without having to turn my back. :)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Street Party

Today we had a street party for our community. It was requested by some of the residents quite some time ago and we decided to get on with it since the rest of the committee members were also enthusiastic about it, except me. I am not so much of a fan of these things. I didn't even attend the last one organised by the previous committee. Not that I am not supportive of what the community did, but I am just kinda an introvert, comfortable in my own world, though I do portray myself as someone who is an extrovert.

Anyway, we did it. I didn't think I did much as tasks were delegated and I had my supportive committee to be grateful for. All I did was 'yes, yes, yes' while they posted suggestions, or 'ok, ok, ok' when they asked for consensus. Everything that they suggested and did was great. And all I did was being updated periodically through emails and sms on what was going on. I really didn't know what to do, you see.

The turn out tonight was better than anyone had expected and thankfully, there was abundance of food, as in leftovers. A neighbour even baked a cake for the party, and another contributed lucky draw prizes. It was quite awesome. It was very heartwarming as I witnessed neighbours connecting with one another. I was like the butterfly hopping from one neighbour to another neighbour and to another. I don't know, I just felt moved to connect with all of them who were there.

What touched me, was the endless appreciation and comments I received on what a good job we've done thus far for the community. And the committee kept pointing back at me - it was Gerry. It was an interesting experience for me, as I felt that I did nothing and when I expressed that, strangely they too expressed the same, that they didn't do anything. Well, to put more honesty in our words, I trust that what we all meant was that with each of us co-operating, the tasks that we did was very little, but combining together all our little efforts, it tantamount a great effect which was enjoyed not only by us, but by the community.

Listening to neighbours comment that they now feel more secured and safer, that they could leave home without worry only did I realise what the committee and I had done actually did created such an impact on these families - that they could go about doing their stuffs with ease of knowing that their family and homes were safe. Can you imagine that peace of mind? Not only them, we feel it too. Of course, I get the most phone calls since I am the chairman - ma'am, hse 14 alarm went off and we can't locate owner; the gate for hse 8 is open and no one is at home; the dog ran out; the flood lights are out... Yes, I get that a lot and they get addressed or not, depending on situations... but so far, everyone seemed pleased.

It dawned upon me as I stood with my committee members later in the evening listening to yet another compliment we received from another neighbour, that when we all voluntarily took up the task, we didn't really know what we were doing. We only knew that we wanted to serve the community, to do what we can and we gave our best, sticking to a common objective and priority - which was and still is dedicated to the wellness of the community. And trust me, there are moments when we get a little overwhelmed that we feel like resigning the posts.

When I emailed one of my teachers the outcome of our failed AGM as there was no conclusion and I felt like leaving my position as the chairman, he asked me, "What would God do?" and I knew that God would serve, for the highest good for all. I remember making an aspiration after that, that if I could truly play that role to bring wellness to the community, then so be it. And in the repeated AGM, my committee and I were elected once again to serve the community, with two additional members.

Today it is evident once again, that I didn't have to do anything to be someone or to seek anyone's approval. All I have to do is to be myself, do what is true to me and to continuously give the best of myself without any expectations of being appreciated or gratified. And there, when my committee members and I just went about doing stuffs which were honest to us, we were appreciated and gratified for doing what we believed in doing.

This is a lesson of Love, where a service is performed without any form of returns and the rewards returned were plentiful in abundance, as in the support received. And this, I have my community to be grateful for, for allowing my committee and I to serve them and to experience this beautiful part of life; not forgetting my supportive committee members from whom I derived much joy and fun while working with them.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Dragonfly, Dragonfly

I've always felt a deep affiliation with dragonflies. Of course, it came to a point in time, where I actually 'forgot' how dragonflies made me feel, until the time when I was thinking of a design for my first tattoo, the first thing that came to my mind, was a dragonfly.

And dragonflies fly around my garden most of the time, mostly red ones and occasional green or mixed with yellow ones. They are beautiful. Unfortunately, each time I attempt to go closer to them, they fly away.

I have been thinking of getting a second tattoo, and nothing comes to mind except dragonflies again. And the other day, I was telling Alina about it and she shrugged her shoulders and said, "well, you have always loved dragonflies". I was shocked because I thought it was just a recent thing as in a few years ago that I've developed such love for dragonflies and she said no. She reminded me that during school days, I would tell her how much I loved dragonflies and would draw dragonflies on pieces of paper. It was weird, as I could not recall that part of my memory. Well, she always has good memory, so no point arguing with her.

So I've got this dragonfly design that someone dear has taken the time and effort to draw for me, and I was showing it to Thea. She smiled and said, "oh mommi, it's a dragonfly and it's your favourite..." again, shocked.. how did she know? ah well... perhaps I have been unconsciously talking about it that people pick it up! So interesting...

Well, dragonflies denote a symbol of carefreeness, innocence and love for me. Perhaps there are deeper meanings, I have yet to discover. But they bring me joy almost all the time when I see them hovering around my garden.

The other day, I was really down, and there was this dragonfly at my car poach which was pretty unusual as they usually just stay in the garden area. I moved up close to it, and it did not fly away. It was the closest I've ever been to a dragonfly, as if reminding me of my innocence. I was so touched that I burst into tears. It was a lovely moment for me.

Monday, September 20, 2010

She is B-A-C-K!!

Yes, she came back!!

Due to the past memory of an ex-helper who did not turn up at the airport, most of the people whom I answered to when guardian angel is coming back asks me if I am sure that she will come back.

Evident as it is - she is back - solidly. :)

And when I saw how Thea and her connect once again, it brought tears to my eyes, as much as I am sure did theirs.

She looked tired, and I hope she didn't find it funny that the house is not as clean as she left it! Lols!

Appreciating and loving her deeply...

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Less than 14 hours...

In less than 14 hours, she will arrive... and we all can't wait to welcome her back!! Getting back to the old routine is one thing, but to have her presence back in our lives is superb!!

After which, I am going to a massage, for facial, for karaoke, for movie, for dates, for what-ever!!!


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

New 'Job'

I've recently taken up a new 'job', as in a function to the centre that I used to volunteer for. What is the difference? More administrative functions, as in more involved in the inner and outter matters of the centre; and that I am somewhat officially financially appreciated monthly.

Initially I was pretty stressed up in wanting to familiarise myself with the various functions the description of the 'job' entails but now that I am getting more and more familiar with what my functions are, it does get easier and somewhat 'serious' also.

Despite that, I observed that I strive on a sense of accomplishment and responsibility. I began to wonder if I could ever stop since hubby has commented that I can be quite a workaholic, despite not having officially worked for years. Workaholic or not, I seem to know when to stop to take a break and that is good news; also thankful to reminders I've received through my emails to pace myself out; I am able to catch a breather, enjoy and appreciate the rainbow created from the sunlight as I water my garden. This reminds me, how unreal everything is - only that I've taken it as real. It is a warm feeling that tickles the heart. :)

Last night when I was watching AOD, the princess mentioned something in the likes that life is a dream. I began to wonder if the people long time ago knew that we were all in the dream, hence the poetic poems of how life is exactly a dream, and that along the way, people forget - hence the drama, the taking of life so so seriously.

Anyway, I am just writing because I feel like it. No message here. Just sharing the little bits of my joy.


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Missing Her

Sighs.. I really miss guardian angel.

I miss her not because of the house chores. I miss her cooking, her walking about, her smile, her grumpiness, her playing with Thea's ipod, her asking me to buy top-up for her... sighs...

Yesterday and today is her wedding day. I don't know why they celebrate weddings over a spread of 2 days. We did ask if we could be there, but I am guessing out of shy-ness and out of consideration for the little one, she said no. She said it would be too far for Thea to travel and the conditions may not be condusive for us knowing how pampered we are! lols!

Sighs.. All of us really do miss her presence. If only she could stay with us, forever... She has brought so much more joy and happiness to our family. I really do appreciate and love her.

Blessing her for the wonderful soul that she is... :)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Finally Bored

I am finally bored of doing housework.

So I texted my SIL and asked her for her maid.

The maid came over.

I am so blessed. :D

Monday, September 6, 2010

Keeping Up!

I've just recently joined the bandwagon and many friends and relatives teased me about it. To be honest, I just wanted one so that I could play Plants Vs Zombies. It is a darn cool game! lols!

But today, I tried out the Maps App and my oh my... it is damn good... I had to go to 2 places of which I didn't know the directions and I arrived there like a pro, with the help of the new, new toy... what a joyous experience!

So grateful for the advancement of technology... so grateful to the evolution of the mind...

But may I not forget still, of Whom is the ultimate Creator of this and all.... :)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Sweet Hubby

He is truly sweet.

Yesterday we both had an early dinner, just me and him while Thea was at painting class, and he said, "Guardian angel coming back on xxx right? hmm... yyy days left before she comes back..."

I laughed at his statement and asked, "why... you miss her already meh.. it has only been 5 days wor..."

And he replied, "no.. I miss you..."

I was stunned. Now, how more romantic could that moment be? Me and him, in a chap-fan (economy rice) shop, each drinking barley ice, each holding a ciggie in the hand... sighs.. romantic, really really romantic...

Of course I understood what he meant. He commented how we hare both been busy with the house chores or taking turns to attend to Thea, work and ourselves since guardian angel's absence. I will have to add that since 5 days ago, I observed that since the notion to wake up to 'do' something, the rest of the day is 'do', 'do', and 'do'. It's like a neverending list of things to do - water the garden, wash the clothes, iron the clothes, wash the dishes, wipe the table, tidy up the table... nothing gets left out. And when left with a moment to rest, it is to the showers, and a little with the tv, in silence...

So the time we really talk is when we get out of the house, especially when Thea is not around.. lols! Now I understand why some housewives find it difficult to relax at home, it is because the mind has recognised home = work. lols!

Having said that, I noticed a difference in both hubby and my approach in this experience while the maid is away. The last time we experienced this was 2 years ago, where the ex-maid went back and never came back. It's like we grew up. There is much maturity, love, wisdom, peace and calmness in our experience. It is truly a blessing. :)

While many others did ask me, if my maid don't come back on the designated date - HOW?? Well, it's fine. I just either move house, or get another maid! Simple as that! I would be blessed with options to choose again, what type of maids I want to experience - cambodian (heard that are darn good cooks), philipinos, taiwanese, sri lankan.. or maybe, just ME! Lols.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

It's like CNY is COMING!!!

Today, I got up early, because I needed to feed the dogs and the fishes. Poor dogs were really hungry. Usually they are fed about 7 plus. With me, they are fed an hour late. ;p

Instead of vacuuming and mopping, I ironed the clothes. Bought a new iron yesterday and couldn't wait to try it out. Loved it! and of course, with the secret intention of waiting for hubby to wake up to vacuum and mop the floor instead.. lols. I know, VICIOUS!! LOLS!

Anyway, three of us (including Thea) went abouts cleaning the house. It feels as if we were doing spring cleaning for CNY. Not that guardian angel didn't do a good job, but it was really an opportunity to clear out things that we didn't notice. Things such as expired medicine (those past 6 months after opened), expired vitamins, cans of paint, shredded paper and etc. And hey, despite all that, we even prepared lunch and had Bee and Pris over!! Not only that, we even managed to watch a movie together (on DVD). Suddenly I felt like the day was pretty long!

I am looking forward to clear out some more stuffs if need be. But I need to pay attention to my dogs tomorrow. Doby is limping... and Salsa needs a bath. Actually, they both need a bath. Do I bath Doby and bring Salsa for grooming? My hands have never touched so much water since a very, very long time.. Lols. Not complaining though! It's a good experience. Now I know.. must buy hand lotion for guardian angel when she comes back so that her hands are also smooth and nice. :D

I've never managed a household so big without help before. The max I've done was link house - old home in Klang and ex's bf's house (ya, I was a good maid.. lols!) Before I dozed off in the midst of the movie earlier, I saw myself in memories, sweeping and mopping... ah... those good old days. Strangely, if I could refrain from doing that, I would... I do wonder why that mentality...

Anyway, it's back to some work other than home, and then it is putting Thea to bed. Tomorrow will be another interesting day... :D

Monday, August 30, 2010

A little more attentive

Hubby and I were talking about the size of the house again.

We both felt that when we look at the house in totality, taking into account every unused space (like guest room, store room) when we are actually in the bedroom, study room, living room - the house is darn bloody big.

But when we are just appreciating the space that we are currently in, i.e. the living hall, Thea's room, study room, kitchen, the space within what we can visually see is actually just quite right.

So is the house too big, or just nice?

Anyway, 2 days on our own without guardian angel - we realised that mending the house ourselves allow us to pay attention to the little, little things in the house. Things such as cans of paint at the backyard which have rusted, not used for 4 years and still not thrown away; that we actually need a longer hose for the garden and the backyard, maybe even those spray heads too; extra garden brooms to sweep dead leaves; gloves and etc... of course, it does sound a little ambitious.. but it would be helpful and kind for guardian angel - at least to my perception.

It is a good switch - it allows us to be more attentive to the space that has been housing us. It would be our opportunity to show we love... :)

Lady Gaga in the House

Yesterday Thea and I struggled a little while dressing up for dinner. I proposed that since she was wearing pink top, pink skirt, why not wear pink crocs or pink slippers? She shook her head and said no, she wanted to wear the blue strips shoes. No, not matching at all. But she made a point, she likes to be of a 'rainbow' colour now, even though now her rainbow colours only consist of pink and blue. Hmrf..

I gave up, and allowed her since she always had a mind of her own anyway. Nevermind the fact my brother said the same morning, "if I look stupid, it's my mother's fault." Right, blame it ALL on the mother!! Mom said that I needed to get some fashion magazines for Thea.. haha! But then again, how can I blame her? I myself am not a fashionable freak!

So she settled for her blue stripped shoes. And hubby looked at her, smiled a little and said, "you know, she reminds me of someone." I looked up, surprised that Thea's sense of fashion could remind hubby of SOME-ONE!!

I asked, "who?"

And he said, "Lady Gaga."


Very very funny thing happened in the night before we went to bed. She turned to her side of her bed and said, "good nai.....bey-beh...." in an accent. Seriously, we don't know where she got that from. And hubby said, "Thea, confirmed-lah! You are the Lady Gaga in the house. Good night!"


Saturday, August 28, 2010


Guardian angel has finally arrived home safely, and I am still surprised by my calmness. 3 weeks without a maid will be no joke. Ironically, when I looked within, there was a sort of excitement that accompanied it. Could it be that I am 'hadap' for house chores? tsk! tsk! tsk!

Not that I don't have enough already on my plate, and yet.. and yet.. waitaminute... maybe there isn't enough on my plate?!? What a joke!

Will it be challenging? Will it be fulfilling? Will it allow me new perspective to view certain beliefs I've held on to in my life? I don't know.. what is is what is... how do we argue with reality?

Though today is just the first day, I am guessing that as long as I take the days one at a time, I will be fine. I have survived this before and I will do it again. Last night, I jokingly told guardian angel infront of SIL, "oh... how am I to survive with you..." and SIL said quite abruptly, "SURVIVOR!!!! You be the SURVIVOR!!!" Lols.. it was quite hilarious though there is much truth in what she said!

So today, hubby text (he is away) and asked how I was coping... I told him that I managed to feed the dogs, the fishes, water the garden, scoop dog shit, feed Thea, make bed with Thea, bathe Thea, eat egg tarts and even included my routine ACIM practice into the regime. He replied, "wah... can water the garden some more arr... you good la!! For me, I surely won't water the garden one..." and then I replied, "aiya.... I chin2cai2 water one lah.." trying to sound humble and then he replied, "cheh!! like that I also can la!!!" Lols. It was a hilarious joke. The point here is, at least I did it!! And the point here also is, I enjoyed it!

Maybe after 3 weeks, I might really, really consider shifting... lols!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Summer Hong Kong

Just came back from Hong Kong. Hubby couldn't make it due to work so Thea and I left for HK all by ourselves. Felt really independant and had loads of fun with Thea, just me and her. It was a good thing that hubby didn't come along because I had wanted to take her on a holiday just me and her. She was a very good girl, didn't stray far from me, sticking close to me and I was a very good mommi too! I bought her most of what she wanted.. haha!

Mom and the others arrived the next day but we hardly hung out much because they were the shopping kind and Thea and I were the wait-and-see-what-we-feel-like-doing kind.. haha.. Most of the time, we were at the hotel just watching Mickey mouse reruns and only went out for walks at nearby malls for lunch and some shopping.

Thea was really home sick though. She cried a little in the night before she slept saying how she missed home, and sometimes in the middle of the sleep too. Hubby was very touched. She is just so darned homely! But she did enjoy herself in HK, having meals and spending time with her godparents and also her favourite aunt! I trust that she enjoyed her time with me too. Basically, it was just us both. The others were constantly on the lookout for us though, ensuring our comfort and making sure we are alright. The thing is, we are in HK! There is no way we won't be alright! Haha!

One of my most memorable times was being able to meet up with 2 new friends. What I had expected to just be a touch-n-go dinner, turned out to be a warm and cozy night of non-stop chatting in our room. It was splendid! And shopping was, needless to say was heavenly.

Mom told Thea, "Thea, when you come to HK, you walk-walk-walk and then when you see something nice, you walk into the shop and buy-buy-buy; after that you walk-walk-walk again and then you see something nice again, you walk into the shop and buy-buy-buy again... and then you walk-walk-walk again... until you become tired, you stop at a coffee shop to rest for a while and then you walk-walk-walk again.. that is HK for you!" I burst out laughing so hard and wondered what kind of ideas mom was trying to impose on Thea!! haha! But it was fun! and I am sure Thea is wise enough to conjure up her own meaning of HK!

We were both very tired by the last day, which was yesterday. But we were both excited to be heading home. Though flight was delayed, it gave us an opportunity to enjoy the Travel Lounge, something that I've been wanting to try. The space allowed us clean toilets, ok buffet spread, comfy sofas to rest and most importantly, plug points to charge the iTouch! haha..

I wouldn't mind doing this with Thea again though I think she will think twice before leaving behind her dada and her kakak and her Doby and her Salsa again! Haha! She is indeed very homely and I am loving her for it. :D

Monday, July 12, 2010

Updates on Birthday Marathon

Sorry folks. I know how this is a little outdated.. but please forgive me, was answering to the physical call of rest, rest and more rest...

Birthday celebration started on...

2nd July 2010
Had buffet dinner with Darling at Le Meridien, Latest Recipe. She loves to eat. Since it was also her birthday in July, so we went there to feast. We were there from 630pm to 930pm. Just talking, talking, talking.. nice!

3rd July 2010
Had lunch with in laws at SuChan. Food was alright. Company, marvelous though what I really wanted to try out Serai Empire.. but I guess there is always the next time!

Dinner with Mom, Chow, Uncle Stewart, Aunty Mandy & Granny at Betty's Midwest Kitchen. Yummy yummy pork! Received lots of pressies too!!

4th July 2010
Had lunch with dad, bros and their other halves at Westin. Thought the spread was so-so, but company was great. A 3 pc band serenaded to us, I felt so loved and high that I felt like kissing everyone!! Reminded me of that song, Love Potion No.9! Lols!

Proceeded to Karaoke with Penny, Siew, Darling, Ray and Uncle Stewart joined us soon afterwards. Believe it or not, I sang till my heart's content! Been telling them to accompany me to karaoke! No, no.. not to sing, but to listen to me sing! Lols! I am sure they enjoyed my concert! Lols!

Had dinner with Penny & Siew. Loved the moment when I was able to share my experiences and knowledge with Penny. So uplifting! And dinner was great too!

6th July 2010
Met up with the girls, Terri & Gladys at Pyramid. They felt 'safer' in a karaoke so again, I was at karaoke! Lols! The Universe must have really heard my calling for karaoke sessions and giving them to be all at one shot!! Lols! After karaoke, we went for dinner at Italianies and watched Sex and the City 2. It was their second time watching it and my first. Enjoyed the movie thoroughly. :) It was great connecting with the girls again because it has been quite a while since we last hung out! Thanks girls, for making time for me!

Mom called in the middle of karaoke and reminded me that birthday is only 1 day, not the whole week! lols1 I knew that.. but who asked me to be loved by many, right?!? Lols!

7th July 2010
Breakfast with JerLin at Bangsar Village. It was the first time we were really walking around a mall. The previous times we were sat and chatted and browsed through shops. She bought a dress I think and she nearly bought me a piece of cheese cake!! Lols! Told her that we could have the cheese cake together next time! But it was fun meeting up with her! I always enjoyed my moments with her. :)

8th July 2010
Thursday night is a 'sharing' night for me. Received birthday wishes from the gals! So wonderful!

9th July 2010
Had dinner at Sakae with Alina at Pavillion. We both wanted to watch Eclipse and she bought tickets - Gold Class - as my birthday treat! So abundant! We were yaking before the movie. Since there was time, we did a little shopping. When movie started, we both were very, very excited! Whilst we both loved the movie, we felt that it was a little short and compressed. The book was damn thick ok!! Unfortunately, we decided to head home after that movie because it was getting late and I was getting tired. But I arrived home with a smile on my face - Alina, Edward Cullen, Eclipse - good combination of a splendid night!

And that would wrap up my birthday marathon. :D

Sorry, no photos. Just feel darnnnnn lazy these days.. lols!

Thank you, for being mirrors of Love, Appreciation and Abundance. :)

Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Starting of the Birthday Marathon, once again...

The birthday marathon has started tonight.

Shall wait for the whole series before posting up with photos and details. Not that it is or would be a great deal, but then again, it is always fun to share happiness and joy right?

Sunday, June 27, 2010

No Fast, No Cook

Eversince I broke fast on the 16th, I have not been to the kitchen.. haha.. interest in food also has lessen tremendously somehow, but then weight have been piling up. Time to hit the treadmill again!

I was telling guardian angel, to whom I promised that I will take initiative to cook more often during my fasting period, that I don't feel like cooking anymore. She looked at me and said, "Don't worry, ma'am, when you fast again, you will cook again!"

She is probably right. Because I still have a few more process of fasting to go through.. lols!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Reversal of Roles

Usually, it is the ma'am that teaches the maid to cook.

In my case, it is the either way round. ;p

Have been toying around with cooking. Been cooking for the past few days consecutively. Looking at recipe books and checking out my bestie's recipe blog too. Sorry-la.. some of them just sounds too complicated!!!!!! :-s which means to say... Alina, you better come on over to teach me soon!! ;p

Anyway, I've been having fun. With guardian angel's advise on what she knows (she is a great cook by the way!!), she has been guiding me by just standing aside. Ahem, I even slice the meat and mince all those necessary ingredients by myself. Not bad.. not bad... lols!

Gonna try out some steam recipes soon. And after my fast, I am going to feast!!! muahahahahahahahhaha.... ;D

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Hil's Hitch Day

Today is the day, where Hil and Ben will get hitched. They came back last week and have been busy since. Wished they would stay over at my place but they chose to stay over at Elly's place instead. Only managed to catch them the night before I start my rice & water fast.

Hil looked great, so did Ben. Although it was the first time meeting Ben, but I guess with Puzzle as topic with any men, it broke the ice! We didn't manage to talk much. I am not sure if it is because it has been too long, or perhaps life have been just too mundane. But I enjoyed the presence anyway. Too bad Elly and Jo wasn't there. But heard from Hil that they caught up earlier already.

And tonight will be the night. When all of us come together to celebrate the union of Hil and Ben.

Congratulations Hil & Ben!


I guess when we are patient at times, we allow better opportunities to come along. I was waiting for this quotation which took ages to arrive. Finally when it arrived, I asked for a demonstration. He kept on saying that he is busy, and made me feel as if our community business is not as important. Perhaps because it is a sale to a Resident Association with low profit margins, but this is just my judgment anyway, and I am not happy with him, because I am not happy with my perception of him.

So I waited and waited for his call anyway which never came. And soon, I remembered that one of the street rep emailed me a number. I picked up the phone and called the number immediately. Not only was response fast! The boss was literally explaining to me how the whole system works already, as if I could understand! :/

The point here, besides the education, is that this new guy was very willing to share information with me and give me proper, professional advise on how to get the most benefits of the units which I was about to purchase for the community. Not only that, he even gave me suggestions on how to improve this and that around the neighbourhood. And later I found out, he used to stay in this exact neighbourhood years ago, but now moved to another garden. What is most pleasant to find out is that he is also a Vice President of his Resident Association!! No Wonder!!!! So his roll of advice went on and on... Because he understood the functions that I was playing, he gave me lots of pointers to consider. I was just too grateful and felt very much supported. :)

Well, I am waiting for a quotation, again. And this time, I am crossing fingers that this experience will be different from the previous! ;)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Cameron Highlands with Family

We had dimsum for breakfast before departed. We were actually already quite full. And yet....

We stopped by Bidor for Duck Thigh Noodles. It was impromptu, btw. ;p

Eventhough everyone was complaining prior to ordering that they were still very full from breakfast, yet they still whalloped everything on the table.
 We arrived at about 3pm++.

We were all doing our part, unpacking, to make the apartment as cozy as possible.

Get what I mean?

After unpacking and making the apartment cozy enough for a 3D2N stay, we all laid back to watch Astro.
Yes, there was Astro.

Despite Cameron Highlands being a land known for steamboat, yet one of our family member decided to homecook this thing for our first night home.

The lazy men watching tennis while the ladies prepared dinner. Ahem, myself excluded because I had to be the photograher.

No, we didn't play Risk. We just used its soilders as 'chips' to play Texas Hold'em.

 2nd Day...
This is the DS couple. They were hogging their own DS most of the time.

We decided to throw Don a surprise belated birthday song!!

Family Pic before heading out for tea.

Ya, of all things we did, we got down from the car and had ONE durian, shared by 8 of us, by the roadside.
Btw, we were actually on our way to the BOH plantation but it was just too freakin' jam.

After that, we stopped by SmokeHouse for tea and scones.
ONE durian shared by 8 persons just weren't getting us anywhere!

That night, we played RISK.
 3rd day...
Breakfast was instant noodle in cup, donuts, coffee, water and ciggies.
Unfortunately, we couldn't finish everything before we left.

We all stopped by BOH Plantation for a visit.

Family Pic again.
We had lunch here. I asked 7 why was it they did not sell beef since they are called ngow kei. 7 laughed.

This was one of the fastest meal we had ever eaten. We could not slow down to savour the food because we had to compete with the FLIES!!!! Yups!!! There were plenty of them, I tell you!!

There were lots more activities in between. But you know la.. with the slow loading of the pictures and the extra time and efffort to type in detailly what happened - argh, just too lazy for that now.. haha!

Thank you Don, Jen, 7, Oli, Ali, Dan, hubby and myself for this wonderful trip. And thank you, ciggie, for without you, I would not have gotten myself these beautiful friends.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Guard for One Hour

Finally, with the consensus of the committee members, I decided to make the transition from the old security company to the new security company today, instead of a further date. The residents just couldn't take the unprofessional attitudes of the previous company anymore so for the safety of the community, we all decided to go ahead with this transition sooner.

Unfortunately, due to the last minute and very urgent request made to the new security companies, they did not arrive at the time the old guards left during the destined time. So I took over the role of the guards, alone, for an hour, while waiting for the new guards to arrive.

What seemed like a peculiar sight turned out to be an overwhelming experience of support. Loving neighbours came forth to 'accompany' me during my 'duty' time, chatting with me their views of the recent security issues and also to voice out their support to me. Some of them, actually stopped by to ask if I needed any assistance or help. I truly felt supported and appreciated at that point in time, especially when one of the neighbours got down from her car and repeatedly said, "Gerry, thank you so much.. thank you for all your effort."

I could now see an action or response out of love could bring such loving reflections. In truth, I did not do it because I felt I had to do it. When I arrived at the guardhouse, expecting that the old guard would have already left and the new guards to have arrived, the old guard waited a while with me but kindly asked my permission to be dismissed. He was one of the diligent guards. But with him alone, it was just not enough. Since no one was left to play guard, I felt inspired to just stand there by the guard house pulling the boom gate up and down ensuring the vehicles who came in and out of the neighbourhood were residents, enquiring vehicles who had no stickers where they were going and etc.. you know, the usual guard-checking stuffs. My brother's girlfriend who happened to drop by for a visit called me on my mobile and said, "eh, an overpaid guard?" I laughed... and had to put down the phone quickly because it was peak hour at that time. Residents were coming home from a hard day's work! Shortly before the new guards arrived, the rest of the committee members joined me too, supporting. :)

When I told hubby of what happened by the time I got home, he was too glad to hear of the support received from the neighbours. What I learnt today is that if I was doing something out of love, nothing could put me down. There was no way at all. I remember now that my thoughts then was just to do what I could do - and what I could do then, was just to stand guard for the safety and love of my community for that one hour. And for that, I not only am appreciated by others (at least by those who stopped by), but I am also full of appreciation for myself.

Having said that, I am too grateful to the supporting members of the committee members without whom I would have had the courage to make the next move to serve this community. But most of all, I am grateful for how my journey is always supported anyway, by an unseen power that guides me all the way... :)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Loving Him

Loving him when he is loving himself in doing what he loves... sighs... simply heavenly.

Thank you so much, Andrew Tai!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Moving Forward - Busy, Busy

I am going to be busy busy, with lots and lots of my plate.

But because I fully accept my part in God's plan for salvation, I trust that all will be done in divine time and manner.

Friday, May 14, 2010

La.. De.. Dum...

la de dum... going out with my bestie tonight... la de dum... with Puzzle... la de dum.... to Hai Siang... la de dum... for my berry favourite Chicken Rice... la de dum.. and to satisfy... la de dum... my cravings for... la de dum... Adrian's 3-layer-tea...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Welcome to the family, Puzzle!

Apparently, she is the FIRST black on the road... dunno how true... need to look for kakis to find out more about this new baby... ;p

P/S: - please don't ask me why her name is Puzzle. Thea named her. :-s

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Bye Bye JayD!

You have served me and my family well. Thank you so much, for the times when you stood with me when I needed you most.

I love you and will remember you always... Eventhough to many, you may be just a dead-thing; but to me, you have always been alive, and will remain as such in my heart.

Love & Gratitude to you.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Jai Ho

Another of my berry favourite...

Jaclyn Victor

Again and again, I am swept away by her voice.. Really, thank God for YouTube.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Blessed Neighbourhood

I am truly blessed to be in a wonderful neighbourhood of caring and helpful neighbours. Last Saturday, there was an unfortunate break-in in one of our neighbour's house with lots of valuables lost. What is fortunate was that no one was home at that moment. However, it did shake the neighbourhood and the residents committee to look into possible attempts in improving the security around the neighbourhood.

Being a president of the neighbourhood, there was truly nothing I could do except to show concern to my neighbour. I took the initiative to call another neighbour residing opposite the unfortunate neighbour to request if we could view his CCTV recordings in the hope to find any suspicious vehicles which parked outside my unfortunate neighbour's house the night the incident happened. We were blessed by his willingness to assist and hence had managed to bring our unfortunate neighbour a step closer to identifying the thieves who robbed his belongings.

What I witnessed in myself and also in my helpful neighbour today, even my brother whom I had called for assistance to see if he could help to abstract the related recording for backup, was compassion. A sort of compassion that did not see my unfortunate neighbour as a victim, but as someone whom we were willing to put our hearts out to assist. And in my role as a president, I saw the necessary function that I had to take on, to ensure the well being of the residents residing in this neighbourhood.

Just the other day, I was arguing with my teacher about the definition of compassion. I saw compassion then, in the space of being superior to others, i.e. seeing others as victim. But in today's experience, I begin to realise that there was another quality of compassion that did not require me to do so. Although I acknowledged my neighbour's unfortunate experience, it has also brought me to a space where there was a kind of new responsibility to improve the security surroundings of the neighbourhood, so that the loving residents in the community are being taken care of, so as to perform their personal and societal functions even more efficiently. Can you imagine the impact to the society then? The well being of one is of such importance to the stability and well being of the society on the whole!

I am glad to be blessed with such experience, for I learned. Something that I may not have understood from school, or reading, or speaking to someone. It is pure experiential. Now I can fully take up my role as a president not worrying about what others would have to say. During a later discussion after the viewing of the CCTV recordings, my neighbours assured of their support of my future decisions. It was as if a sort of trust was bestowed upon me, something that I had lacked in myself for being unsure if I was really that capable despite already been given that responsibility. They said to me, "Gerry, we have put you there so you could do something about it. As long as you know in your heart that you are doing it for the well being of the neighbourhood, you don't have to care what others say even if there will be some who will complain." That was something that I failed to see. I didn't see it as a responsibility to make decisions for the community for their well being; I saw myself as someone who was just carrying out 'their' instructions onto me. How would I know that I am not capable except for the fear of being responsible for myself and others? And how do I know that I am not capable if I carried out this function with my heart, with love?

I am ready now. And I shall do my best, from my heart. What I give to others, I give to myself.

First Ever Retreat at Janda Baik

I have never attended a retreat before, but somehow Angel inspired me to make this move. She told me, "we can have breakfast together... take a walk together... sleep together... dip our feet at the river together...." Ah, magical imaginations already!!

If you look carefully at the pictures you will notice that I was no where meditating near anyone.. lols! because I was busy meditating with my camera! lols! But it was fun in a way. My favourite time during the retreat was spending time with Angel, listening to BB and LF share on the workings of the Mind and Wisdom, plus some really fun games we played together as a team.

Hope you like the photos! It's my first attempt to photoshop some of these photos. :)