Thursday, December 2, 2010


So fast time has flown, and it is now the month of December and this friday is already the last day of school for Thea. There are already a few activities lined up for her and I am excited for her for the fun that I trust she will soon experience.

I will be working on several stuffs.. a long term one and also several that are coming up which I too trust will fulfill me. Actually, if I hold no judgments on my moments, each moment is freeing and is an enjoyment and a fulfilment.

I am looking forward to catch up with friends, and also to get started on a few things that I have been prolonging for the longest time. The new PC will definitely help. :)

Have a lovely December everyone!


  1. Thanks Gerry! A lovely December to you too. I like the month of December because it marks the end of a year - although actually that is just an idea because December is a month in the calendar just like any other month but I like the idea nevertheless. :)

  2. Well, if you like the idea and it brings you joy, it is definitely a good idea to have. :)
