Wednesday, September 15, 2010

New 'Job'

I've recently taken up a new 'job', as in a function to the centre that I used to volunteer for. What is the difference? More administrative functions, as in more involved in the inner and outter matters of the centre; and that I am somewhat officially financially appreciated monthly.

Initially I was pretty stressed up in wanting to familiarise myself with the various functions the description of the 'job' entails but now that I am getting more and more familiar with what my functions are, it does get easier and somewhat 'serious' also.

Despite that, I observed that I strive on a sense of accomplishment and responsibility. I began to wonder if I could ever stop since hubby has commented that I can be quite a workaholic, despite not having officially worked for years. Workaholic or not, I seem to know when to stop to take a break and that is good news; also thankful to reminders I've received through my emails to pace myself out; I am able to catch a breather, enjoy and appreciate the rainbow created from the sunlight as I water my garden. This reminds me, how unreal everything is - only that I've taken it as real. It is a warm feeling that tickles the heart. :)

Last night when I was watching AOD, the princess mentioned something in the likes that life is a dream. I began to wonder if the people long time ago knew that we were all in the dream, hence the poetic poems of how life is exactly a dream, and that along the way, people forget - hence the drama, the taking of life so so seriously.

Anyway, I am just writing because I feel like it. No message here. Just sharing the little bits of my joy.


1 comment:

  1. Hehe, I am also watching "Can't buy me love" now. A light and entertaining show I would say.
