Tuesday, August 31, 2010

It's like CNY is COMING!!!

Today, I got up early, because I needed to feed the dogs and the fishes. Poor dogs were really hungry. Usually they are fed about 7 plus. With me, they are fed an hour late. ;p

Instead of vacuuming and mopping, I ironed the clothes. Bought a new iron yesterday and couldn't wait to try it out. Loved it! and of course, with the secret intention of waiting for hubby to wake up to vacuum and mop the floor instead.. lols. I know, VICIOUS!! LOLS!

Anyway, three of us (including Thea) went abouts cleaning the house. It feels as if we were doing spring cleaning for CNY. Not that guardian angel didn't do a good job, but it was really an opportunity to clear out things that we didn't notice. Things such as expired medicine (those past 6 months after opened), expired vitamins, cans of paint, shredded paper and etc. And hey, despite all that, we even prepared lunch and had Bee and Pris over!! Not only that, we even managed to watch a movie together (on DVD). Suddenly I felt like the day was pretty long!

I am looking forward to clear out some more stuffs if need be. But I need to pay attention to my dogs tomorrow. Doby is limping... and Salsa needs a bath. Actually, they both need a bath. Do I bath Doby and bring Salsa for grooming? My hands have never touched so much water since a very, very long time.. Lols. Not complaining though! It's a good experience. Now I know.. must buy hand lotion for guardian angel when she comes back so that her hands are also smooth and nice. :D

I've never managed a household so big without help before. The max I've done was link house - old home in Klang and ex's bf's house (ya, I was a good maid.. lols!) Before I dozed off in the midst of the movie earlier, I saw myself in memories, sweeping and mopping... ah... those good old days. Strangely, if I could refrain from doing that, I would... I do wonder why that mentality...

Anyway, it's back to some work other than home, and then it is putting Thea to bed. Tomorrow will be another interesting day... :D

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You have really been busy and enjoying yourself. :)
