Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Street Party

Today we had a street party for our community. It was requested by some of the residents quite some time ago and we decided to get on with it since the rest of the committee members were also enthusiastic about it, except me. I am not so much of a fan of these things. I didn't even attend the last one organised by the previous committee. Not that I am not supportive of what the community did, but I am just kinda an introvert, comfortable in my own world, though I do portray myself as someone who is an extrovert.

Anyway, we did it. I didn't think I did much as tasks were delegated and I had my supportive committee to be grateful for. All I did was 'yes, yes, yes' while they posted suggestions, or 'ok, ok, ok' when they asked for consensus. Everything that they suggested and did was great. And all I did was being updated periodically through emails and sms on what was going on. I really didn't know what to do, you see.

The turn out tonight was better than anyone had expected and thankfully, there was abundance of food, as in leftovers. A neighbour even baked a cake for the party, and another contributed lucky draw prizes. It was quite awesome. It was very heartwarming as I witnessed neighbours connecting with one another. I was like the butterfly hopping from one neighbour to another neighbour and to another. I don't know, I just felt moved to connect with all of them who were there.

What touched me, was the endless appreciation and comments I received on what a good job we've done thus far for the community. And the committee kept pointing back at me - it was Gerry. It was an interesting experience for me, as I felt that I did nothing and when I expressed that, strangely they too expressed the same, that they didn't do anything. Well, to put more honesty in our words, I trust that what we all meant was that with each of us co-operating, the tasks that we did was very little, but combining together all our little efforts, it tantamount a great effect which was enjoyed not only by us, but by the community.

Listening to neighbours comment that they now feel more secured and safer, that they could leave home without worry only did I realise what the committee and I had done actually did created such an impact on these families - that they could go about doing their stuffs with ease of knowing that their family and homes were safe. Can you imagine that peace of mind? Not only them, we feel it too. Of course, I get the most phone calls since I am the chairman - ma'am, hse 14 alarm went off and we can't locate owner; the gate for hse 8 is open and no one is at home; the dog ran out; the flood lights are out... Yes, I get that a lot and they get addressed or not, depending on situations... but so far, everyone seemed pleased.

It dawned upon me as I stood with my committee members later in the evening listening to yet another compliment we received from another neighbour, that when we all voluntarily took up the task, we didn't really know what we were doing. We only knew that we wanted to serve the community, to do what we can and we gave our best, sticking to a common objective and priority - which was and still is dedicated to the wellness of the community. And trust me, there are moments when we get a little overwhelmed that we feel like resigning the posts.

When I emailed one of my teachers the outcome of our failed AGM as there was no conclusion and I felt like leaving my position as the chairman, he asked me, "What would God do?" and I knew that God would serve, for the highest good for all. I remember making an aspiration after that, that if I could truly play that role to bring wellness to the community, then so be it. And in the repeated AGM, my committee and I were elected once again to serve the community, with two additional members.

Today it is evident once again, that I didn't have to do anything to be someone or to seek anyone's approval. All I have to do is to be myself, do what is true to me and to continuously give the best of myself without any expectations of being appreciated or gratified. And there, when my committee members and I just went about doing stuffs which were honest to us, we were appreciated and gratified for doing what we believed in doing.

This is a lesson of Love, where a service is performed without any form of returns and the rewards returned were plentiful in abundance, as in the support received. And this, I have my community to be grateful for, for allowing my committee and I to serve them and to experience this beautiful part of life; not forgetting my supportive committee members from whom I derived much joy and fun while working with them.

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