Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year Resolution

While sticking stickers with Thea purposelessly yesterday, I decided on one new year resolution - that is, to write with my left hand.

Thea & hubby are both left handed. I know, it is as if I have nothing else to achieve and hence came up with a silly awesome idea to write with my left hand for this year's resolution. But, it's sounds cool right?

So I took out one of those writing books that I bought for Thea loooong loooong time ago which she never got about finishing and started practicing writing on the lines as instructed by the book. I am making good progress and am sure I will achieve this fun and silly little resolution that I have made for myself. :)


  1. I like your resolution! I am a right-hander but I have been practising writing with my left hand on and off since primary school. Reason being I want to write with both hands to speed up doing homework :)

  2. It's a real cool New Year resolution!!!
