Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Took back a little

Yes, I am finally home. Home since Saturday morning, but seemed to have left my heart in Istanbul. It is such a beautiful, beautiful country. And yes, whilst I have been there before years back... but that didn't count because most of the time I was stuck in the hotel room and only eating cheap kebabs for lunch and dinner (breakfast was provided).

This time, out of intuition, I went alone. Although I would have very much loved company, but yet was not taken aback that I was alone. Had to admit that there was some discomfort - being all alone in a foreign country, not knowing their language and all.. but what the heck, if not now, when??

And it turned out that all my plans were screwed up. The places which I planned to go, I did not and ended up in places where I did not even consider going in the first place. Thanks to my Turkish friend, Ilkay who took 2 days to show me some other parts of Istanbul and also another new Turkish friend I met, who happens to be the hotel receptionist of the cozy hotel I happened to intuitively pick, I enjoyed a lot more of Istanbul compared to the first time I visited this place years back.

Food was awesome and my favourites were the tomatos and fish. Their fish is just awesomelly naturally sweet! I tried out food, turkish bath, watched the sufi dance and turkish dance... it was all magical. Weather was good and people were a mix! Thank goodness for my new friend who showed me a taste of the original turk as he calls himself, my perception of turkish people expanded.

I fell in love with Istanbul, and strongly recommend that women, to at least experience travelling alone once in their life time. Something shifts and expands. Of course, it is not necessary to choose Istanbul as a destination. It was just my choice and will also be amongst my future choices.

Mom was telling me how I can bring her there in future. I am elated by that thought! And I was telling darling how she has to come with me too as I know she will surely enjoy such an adventure...

Ah well, I am home. Thea seems to have grown up a little more, probably reflecting my own growth coming back from afar. :) And I am happy to be home with my precious little gem.


  1. Wow, you are really daring and adventurous! I thought of the book "eat, pray, love" when I read that you went on a holiday alone to Istanbul. :)

  2. Hah! Unfortunately, I didn't fall in love with a man like in the book!
