Monday, February 17, 2014

Blogs I used to Patronise

I took some time to scroll through some blogs that I used to read. Checking on the dates of entries, it made me realise how many blog entries of theirs I have missed, and also how long they have not written, for some. Some bloggers were going on strong, and even started a new blogsite to share their new frenzies. It's really wonderful.

Of course, it was not a competition or even a kind of purposeful awareness. It was just something that was noticed upon clicking on and clicking on.

CNY was not entirely interesting for me since I was down with viral fever and flu for more than a week. I even missed some family events because of it. Though dad said I could come with a mask, but it was not about the mask. It was the ability to sincerely be there physically and mentally. You know, how sometimes you are there but mentally you just wanna go snooze off the flu. Well, the flu finally scoot off just about a few days ago after a final doze of Chinese medicine prescribed by this new doctor that I am patronising in Klang. She was recommended. I went to see her for something else, but as she diagnosed me, she informed me that I hadn't entirely recovered. In her words, "you are not really sick, but not really well either." haha.

Somehow, after recovering this time, there is more Life; and though my boring but very enjoyable life won't allow me to fill my time with many activities as I used to before, yet I notice some sort of initiative happening within to go forth what I had been unintentionally delaying. One example was actually seeing a Chinese doctor to remedy some disorder in the body. And of course, that includes this little trip to other bloggers' site.

Well, it is an awareness experience more than anything else. And damn, I really need to find a way to elevate my monitor to my eye level.



  1. Sorry to hear that you were not feeling well during CNY but glad to hear that you are on the mend now.
