Monday, May 18, 2009

Pleasant Miracles

Today I received an email from a stranger who immediately became a friend. Her willingness to share her experiences with me on her sessions with Hari touched my heart immensely. I felt very much overwhelmed with love & gratitude.
In fact, this is the second email that I've received with regards to Hari's sessions. The first one enquired the hows & whats of Hari's sessions. I hope I had provided sufficient support for her first session of healing.
What dawned onto me were moments of joy, love & gratitude. It was as if I'd served my purpose. I was moved to tears in my own space. I don't know what I had done to deserve or to attract such emails (although there are only 2 of them to my personal emails and several comments on the blog) but I am thankful for my courage to pen down my expressions of love and gratitude, and Navitha's intention to spread the word.
I don't know what has happened, and I don't really want to define it because it is in truth, unexplainable to the heart. If any explanation were to be done, it would be too limiting for the mind to comprehend.
A few days ago, I had a conversations with J. It went like this: -
My hearted called out, "Let me do Your work." i.e. God's work.
I heard His voice, "You are already doing God's work."
Followed by, "only sometimes the EGO gets in the way."
Did J really say that? I don't know. But it seemed that the 2nd sentence of "only sometimes the EGO gets in the way" did not really come from Him. It sounded more like the mind mimicking His voice.
The whole night, I felt His presence, His Love; and then I understood that He has always resided in my heart.
I don't know what I've done. I don't know if I have a purpose. But I know that as I consciously live my life, every 'do' or 'say' frees me further from the bondage within. And as I free myself, it seems that I have 'freed' others too. I have been taught, it is called 'Collective Consciousness'. Then let me serve as an Instrument of Love & Peace as quoted by St. Francis of Assisi, to do God's work. And when I speak of God; I am speaking of the God within.
Miracles do happen; whether big or small. Every moment of life is already a miracle unfolding itself. Experience it, my dear friends. You will find fruits to your 'labour' of doing & undoing.

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