Sunday, May 10, 2009

Shit Happens

Since Tuesday, I have been feeling pain in my chest area. Mainly on the right side of my chest. Sometimes I am quite sure that I picked it up and sometimes I am quite sure that it is my own. But since I am feeling the pain, it is already in my space hence my responsibility to resolve it.
I tried all ways... self reflecting and many a times tempted to just point my finger out onto a scapegoat, but then that would just be too easy.. too easy for me to 'relief' the pain temporarily and then harder for me to clean the shit of what my mind is projecting out.
I surrendered this afternoon this pain to the Holy Spirit and told my Higher Self to take care of it. After that, I just felt peace. Later in the evening, it was revealed to me where the pain came from. It was from all over the place and it was somehow not mine. I was just experiencing oneness with others; which Hari had explained to me about. I don't know how to go about it helping others or myself; so I just merely did the Forgiveness process and surrendered it back to the Holy Spirit again - aspiring that whose ever painbody it was - God, you deal with it.
Yes, it happens. And a conversation with Tuck Loon this morning confirmed that there is something that is happening around us which brings up the fear and painbody in most people for an opportunity to heal, to be awakened; or to go down deeper into the rabbit hole.
So yeah.. shit happens; and for good reasons. You'd always have choices of how you want to deal with it -self reflect and face it head on; surrender it to God; or continue the blaming game.
Blessed be.

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