Thursday, February 11, 2010

Be Thankful

Immediately after I published the previous entry, this quotation from Buddha appeared right after - as if supporting my give-thanks. :) And here I share with you the quotation: -

Let us rise up and be thankful for if we didn't learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn't die; so let us be thankful.

~Quotation from the Buddha~



  1. Hello Gerry, here's wishing you and your family a very Happy and Prosperous Chinese New Year!

    I try to be as thankful as I can. However if I am terminally ill, I would wish to die quickly instead of being kept alive by medical means.

  2. Hi Mun, I am sorry to hear about your health condition. Wishing to die quickly is to a way to terminate what you are presently experience and I can understand that process as I too, have experienced that many a times (although not due to physical illness). I guess as long as you are still breathing, you deserve every day that God has presented you, to fulfill your hearts' wishes whatever they may be, so live! as you are already doing; and know that as you take in every breath into your soul, you are also making a difference to someone's life with or without you yourself knowing. Although we have never met, I'd like you to know that you have made a difference in my life too. Wishing you Love & Wellness always. :)

  3. Hi Gerry, thank you for letting me know that I have made a difference in your life. Please don't get me wrong, I don't mean that I want to die quickly now. I mean if I am terminally ill i.e. being paralyzed with cancer and having to be fed through the nose via a tube to be kept alive, I would rather die quickly.

    This is also to spare my family the pain of having to care for me, wearing themselves out in the process and also depleting themselves of the little financial resources that they have. They the living ones need their time and financial resources more than I do (when I am terminally ill or am a vegetable).

    If I am brain-dead but still breathing I would definitely want my family to take me off life support and to let me go in peace. No point keeping me breathing just because they couldn't let go.

    This is for myself only, I do not mean that all people should do this. For those people who want to hang on to life as long as they can even though the quality of their life is very low, by all means do that.

    Wishing you Love and Wellness too! :)

  4. Oops Mun! So sorry that I read it wrongly! Aikes Aikes Aikes *malu x2*

    You know, I read in a book once about this mom who was a giver, but who refused to receive. So when she was terminally ill she received all the care from the people. When she finally passed away, her daughter was really angry with God. So one day, when her daughter was meditating, God spoke to her, "why are you angry with Me?", and her daughter said, "because you allowed my mom to be taken away. She was such a loving, beautiful and giving person and you allow her to die." God then said, "how else could it have been possible for her to receive?" Then the daughter realised that the giving-receiving has to be a balance. And even if you disallow yourself to receive this lifetime, you carry that 'debt' to the next lifetime. So in this true story, the mom 'settled' the imbalance in this lifetime.

    What you said reminded me of this. It was a book about past life regressions and reincarnations. :) I understand what you mean and I too feel that if I am terminally ill in the ways you described, perhaps I would make a choice to go, rather than to allow the living to take care of us like that. But truly, is it all in our own fate?

    Sometimes I think that if I was already a 'vege', it is only the body that is still here and only here for the living. Where is the mind or the Soul for that matter?

    But then aiya... it's CNY, we are discussing about this.. ;p *shame on me*, let's us celebrate our wellness Mun!! For each day breathe, is each a gift from God! :)

  5. Hi Gerry, yes, yes better not discuss this matter during CNY. Not auspicious *wink*

    Enjoy your reunion dinner tonight! :)
