Thursday, February 4, 2010

An Opportunist Phonecall II

I can't remember if I updated this in the last entry, but I did a search on google on the company name of which I was to meet tomorrow morning yesterday. Found absolutely nothing except a familiar name. So, there was some hint.

Found out later yesterday evening who was the one who gave out my name for a probable opportunity to make $$$. Hmm, another network marketing. I did not ponder long while reconsidering if I should keep to the appointment because I already knew that this was not what I wanted. So I had cancelled tomorrow's appointment meant for me to make tonnes of $$$$$$$$$$ (really?!?!?).

Don't get me wrong. I don't have anything against network marketing. In fact, I have respect for this system - you help others, you help yourself. It's kinda noble. That's my perception. But being caught up in a bad experience years ago had really impacted me in a way that I'd turn down such opportunities. Even if it was my best friend doing it. I won't deny that I'd still be tempted when I come across products which I have experienced as awesome, but when I listen deeply to myself - there is a mode of automatic surrendering. Surrendering not in a spiritual way, but in a form of defeat.

If I were to ask myself if this is fear - it doesn't feel like it. But I do feel very tired at the sound of it - ideas from the previous experience. I won't say that it's not fun, but it just takes up loads of energies. And it does take lots of integrity too. This business, besides being self-reliant, also requires one to rely on others to do their part. Can you imagine the layers and layers of fat one has to cut before finding their 'true' partners. And that too.. sighs, so much ding-ding-dong-dong (dramas, I mean) in between which I really do dread talking about at until today.

Would I try to understand the ideas that surrounds this experience? And perhaps transcend the 'defeatedness'? I don't know. It's really more like a been-there-done-that kinda feeling.

Am I done? Lols. Maybe. Yeah, done... :)


  1. I don't have any previous bad experience with network marketing but I do not like it at all because I feel that it is taking advantage of the friendship or relationship to make money so I stay clear of it.

  2. Hi Mun, a lot of people feel and think like you do. That is why I mentioned in my entry that it takes integrity to do this business.

    In my journey, I have met people who are genuinely serious about this type of business because they truly believe in their product(s) (due to their experience of using/consuming it) and at the same time, they convey the message to their friends and relatives without wanting their friends to purchase or sign up as their members/downlines/partners as an obligation to their friendship or relation. Now, I think that deserves respect, don't you think? *winks*

    My teacher always reminds me that there is a difference between conveying or convincing - for one strives to share the knowledge out of honesty, genuinity and sincerity without expectations where else the latter always has a hidden agenda behind it. I feel this statement resonates not only with these type of business, but also with every possible conversation we have with people around us. :)

  3. So far, I have yet to meet a conveying person in terms of network marketing. :)

  4. so it turned out as a hoax yah! Sigh....anyway same as Mun i always stay away from MLM but my parents are consuming some of their products which mainly serve as health supplement and for own good. We do not "hard sell" it to others too coz we always believe that if people really need it they will show the interest after we have told them how effective the product is...
