Monday, April 27, 2009

My Lessons with Hari from IRAH - Home of Healing

I had a session with Hari today. What I had hoped would turn out to be an interview, was actually more of an "inner view" of him, and also me.

My first meeting with Hari was sometime in September or October, 08 I think. I had marital problems then (or so I thought!!) and he helped me understand what was, in reality happening. Although I already knew that I had a part to play for my seemingly troubled marriage then, he pointed several issues that I needed to look inwards more deeply - to love myself. It's amazing how my heart is now swelling with gratitude and love for Hari as I recall my several sessions with him. For he has pointed me to a direction that I had forgotten to look into - LOVE; Love always starts from witin me. If I didn't love myself, how could I make myself available to love others? Did you know, Love Heals? If you didn't, well, now you know. :)

I subsequently discovered my gifts - or so many would call it, my level of wisdom, my 'real' age, who I really am, why I am here and etc.. and this journey - oh, this simple yet complex journey of self discovery, of Truth - sometimes it makes me crazy - the challenges, sufferings, pain, anger - crazy all because I've stopped playing the blaming game. There is no one to blame but me. I would remember Hari telling me - they are all you, a reflection of you. As long as my finger is still willing to point at someone else for my pain, I am only condemning myself further, burying myself deeper of what I am not willing to look within myself. This, besides crediting myself for the hardwork, Tuck Loon, Lai Fun (through MSP), Angeline and Christopher Moon played major roles in this part of my journey of looking inwards. What to do with the pain? Hari says, "Surrender!" :)

At this stage, Hari also shared with me about oneness. When I first heard the word, "one with God" from Hari - it felt as if it was a familiar yet distant statement. And today's session, I learnt some more from him. I shared with him that sometimes I felt inspired to be a healer (note: I am actually on a journey of interviewing healers, teachers and lightworkers for a website - will announce later) each time I see one, and yet... that is not my calling. Well, it's not that I don't want to be a healer - it's just that I don't want to be one without clarity. It's the mind that we need working on, not the physical body. The physical body is just temporary - and yet, I am not suggesting that we shouldn't take care of our body; just not to be attached to it. Tuck Loon always said, it is ok to have things - as long as you are not attached to it. And Hari said the same thing today. He said, "it is ok to want a BMW, and soon, you will realise that it is not about having the BMW, it is about the journey to getting the BMW. And it is ok that you get bored with it too, you just surrender it and get another type of car! It is the journey of having that BMW, that when you have it, you'd know that you are God."

I know, it's quite absurb for most of us to agree that we are God. I remember Alice telling me how she freaked out when Hari told her that she is God. And although I can relate to her frustration of not understanding it, there was a part of me that knew that Hari was right; because God is in all of us. The bible says, 'Our body is a temple of Gods'. Do you believe it? Do you think, the fact that you almost always get what you want is really because you are His favourite? Well, how do I put it... yes, and no. EVERYONE is His favourite! You get what you want is because you are the creator of your own reality; as the Law of Attraction recites.

One thing Hari said today that touched me was, in one of his conversations with God, God said, "all My Creations love at least one thing in their life, unconditionally." It reminded me of the many criminals and crooks we see on movies. They can be as mean or heartless as how we perceive or judge them to be, and yet there'd always be that one thing; one person that they each hold deeply in their hearts - be it a dad, mom, spouse, partner, friend, child or even a pet... it's still Love.

And it is with Love, that Hari does his work. I've met him only 5 times so far (including today), and I doubt that it has totalled up to 24 hours. Yet, I am aware of this profound deep love I have for him. And I know deep down, he loves me too. As ironic as it may sounds, he loves you too - you just don't know it.

There is too much I'd like to share about Hari and what he has taught me. Words and space are really just limiting. When he rejected my request to interview him, I didn't understand and had thought that perhaps it was me that he didn't want an interview with; or perhaps he was just shy and wanted to remain low profile. But when I found out the real reason why he had lovingly declined my request, I was touched - and the reason is still Love, with Love.
Thank you Hari, for being here with us. Thank you, for doing this work for us. Thank you, for pointing me to the direction of the Truth, lovingly with detachment. I am forever grateful for the unconditonal love that you possess for each one of us here.
For those of you who would like to meet Hari for a healing session, please visit for more information. Healing is by donation. Please also visit I am not sure if Hari has a part to play in this website, but I know that this website was created by 2 beautiful angels who assist Hari to do his work.
Blessed Be, Be Loved, Be Love - because Love Makes It Happen (quoted from LoveHeals website).


  1. Quoting above "There is no one to blame but me."

    Well, try to look at it this way:

    That even yourself is not to be blamed, for anything. Yes, you have, in some way, attracted any and all events that happens to you, be in desireable or undesireable. And it is wise to know others did not cause something to happen to you, but you're the one who have caused it to happen.

    However, "to blame yourself" might carry the meaning of not forgiving yourself. To blame as a form of non acceptance, non love. If you do not accept yourself or an event caused by yourself (hence blaming yourself), you are not fully healing yourself or the event.

    It is ok to identified an event as non-desireable, experience it fully as it unfolds, once it passed, accept it and let it go (aka surrender) and try not to spend energy carrying the memory with you and pointing fingers at anyone, even yourself.

    It sounds easy to say this all, but I'm trying my best still to practice what I said above as well.. haha.

    With Love,

  2. "You come into this life with nothing to learn - you have only to demonstrate what you already know. In the demonstration of it will you function it out, and create yourself anew, through your experience. Thus do you justify life and give it purpose. Thus do you render it holy" Neale Donald Walsch

    Mr. Hari, one of my favorite masters, mentioned that our mind is a tool for creation. This tool helps bring in the divine and manifest it into the physical. Mr. Hari has opened the doorway and led me onto my spiritual path, after Tuck Loon introduced him to me. Thank you Tuck Loon and all your wisdom. I also thank my mum, now my spirit guide who has paved this path for me.

    If anyone is feeling the increasing pressures and stress of ascension, Irah house of Healing is definitely the place to go.

    Love and Light,

  3. Dear Lewis & Olivia,

    Thank you for your sharing. Love. :)
