Saturday, September 5, 2009


I baked lasagna on Tuesday. I had always wanted to try to bake one. I got all the ingredients ready and studied the recipe carefully.
And guess what?

I mean, just take a look at it. The top layer was dry, it was not 'melty' like how a lasagna is supposed to look like (if you know what I mean), wet underneath and worst of Angel's nightmare... NOT ENOUGH CHEESE!!!!!

But surprisingly, hubby and bee (youngest bro) said that it tasted alright for a first timer! Even guardian angel said it was not bad. Hmm, I know.. I have too high of an expectation of myself. But to be honest, although the structure did not turn out exactly right, but I think the contents was quite tasty too.. haha...

I will attempt to try again until I perfect this art. Until then, hubby, bee and Thea, please be patient with me. And Angel, you too.. your cheese will be on the way... ;D

1 comment:

  1. Practise makes perfect, my dear. So, do try and attempt it again. Most importantly, you should have all the sufficient ingredients at hand.

    Also, never just leave your lasagna to bake according to the stipulated time. Always check every 10-15 minutes. Different ovens vary in baking because some ovens which have gone through the baking mill will require longer time as the oven is older and the newer ones will require shorter time.....

    Hope this piece of info helps.... :D
