Sunday, June 28, 2009

Flying A Kite

You know what is one of the most amazing about having a kid? It is the opportunity to re-live your childhood. In my case, to experience certain things that I've never experienced before in my childhood. Believe it or not, besides swimming, lavish hi-teas and dinners, school and tuitions, I didn't have much fun when I was a kid.
Since last week, Thea has been bugging me to buy her a pink kite. I continuously 'delayed' the mission because I don't know much about kites just in case, after buying it, she'd want me to fly it with her. That thought was just not very attractive to me. I remember being part of a team in school to make one for a school project but I did not literally participate in the project (as in not hands on making the kite). But I got a big fat 'A' because my team members did a really good job while my absence was excused (it's a long story related to my swimming days and not related to flying a kite so I won't indulge more in the sharing).
Thank God hubby knows and has flown a kite.
Yesterday was a pretty windy day. Hubby and I took Thea (actually more like hubby took Thea and I - haha!) to the park near our home where kites were being sold. We chose to stop by the stall with the most kites to sell and bought the most obvious kite that Thea would love - a pink kite with all the princesses' faces on it. Cost hubby RM18.
Now, I've never really touched a real kite before what more fly a kite. So I stood by a corner just watching hubby trying to fly the kite and Thea excitedly following hubby shouting, "let me fly it! let me hold it!" It was very heartwarming to see such a sight, really. And when the kite doesn't seem to be flying so high and the wind doesn't seem to be blowing, I'd join Thea in blowing out from our mouths to help create wind! I wished I brought my camera...
So hubby tried and tried to fly the kite on his own. It was pretty tough until he turned to me and asked me to hold it. It was my first time, but as I held it... it was an awesome experience as the wind scooped up the kite which aided the kite to fly from my hands! It was really a nice feeling. My first kite flying experience.. hehehe..
We left the park feeling great. I remember observing the surroundings of the park and concluding that it was a nice place to hang out for families... nice space and jogging tracks. Families gather there just to spend time together by jogging, feeding the fishes in the lake or flying a kite. Some of them just walk and sit and talk. I told hubby that we could do this one of these days. Get a mat, tapau McD's and then sit by the lake for tea/early dinner - like a picnic! I remember Gladys suggested once 3 years ago, but I was too kiasu then because Thea was very young and mom was telling me about the chemicals in the grass la this la that la.. too much considerations! But I will try it one day. I've also never had a picnic before. Think it'd be fun.
If not for hubby and Thea, I would not have had this experience. I am glad I tagged along with them. I guess there are some advantages marrying a typical 'kampung boy' who'd had all these kind of fun childhood experiences ;p... hehehe..

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