Thursday, January 15, 2009


Tonight, or rather last night (since it is now 2:51am), we went over to Siang's place for dinner. The invitation came in slightly after lunch and I graciously accepted. It is fun hanging out with them (as in my SIL and Siang) somehow.
When we got there, Siang already started drinking. Hubby joined him. I declined politely because of my solemn declaration made some time ago. Somehow, I felt a slight urge to drink. I resisted.
After dinner, Siang opened another bottle.. and when hubby put his glass of wine in front of me.. I tell you, it was really like testing me! I was amazed myself because the urge to take a sip or a glass was so strong!! My brother and SIL think that it shouldn't be hard for me since I don't normally drink anyway.. but see what the mind did to me when I made a declaration that I wouldn't drink for a month? I end up craving for it as if I am addicted to it! Which in fact, is NOT a fact!
Then why did I feel the urge? And you know, by typing this entry now, the urge is like surfacing again! This is truly a test to my will power! and you know what, if I can do this; I might be able to quit smoking too!!! haha!! Gladys was just complaining that day - to quit smoking is one thing that I failed miserably every year! haha!!
Anyway, yes.. I was very tempted, and still... but am resisting and will continue to resist the urge until 2nd February. Nope, there is no count down to that day also. If it happens, it will happen.


  1. my that 'christian' friend also said that since he accepted christ, he quit smoking, drinking, clubbing altogether... i told him, because he have a strong will power. And you know what he said? He said HIS GOD help him to quit. lols

    Should we change God??? Just kidding...I am blabbering again...

  2. Hehehe.. it is quite funny to see the separation when all of us are one and when there is indeed only ONE God.. but whichever that makes us more comfortable and peaceful, then perhaps, that is our truth. :)

  3. It's all in the mind. you should stop smoking too!
