Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Thinking From the Infinite by Carell Zaehn

I've completed the book yesterday while driving home from Violet Flame and being caught in traffic at the Damansara area. At some points, I was getting frustrated with the traffic, but some points, I realised that I was actually appreciating the slow traffic caused it allowed me time to read the book. But seriously, don't try this. It's not safe.
This content of the book is complementary to what Hari has been sharing, to what CM mentioned about in his workshop, to what BB & LF shared in their workshop. Reading the book made me realise that most information were the same albeit through different channels and different delivery styles. It's very much similar to The Secret's concept, just that some books explain a little more about how it works, some books explain a little more about the techniques to make it work, and some books explain why it actually works (did I just mention the 3 things but sound the same?). :{
Anyway, this book is quite a pleasant read. Consider it. Perhaps if you have not seen Hari, attended CM or BB & LF's workshop, or have not read The Secret, or have read The Secret but do not understand it... this book may be able to provide further insights to what you think you already know - whether it works for you, or not.
Have fun!

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