Thursday, October 29, 2009

Twilight - the Movie

I just came back from watching 'Twilight' - the movie at Gladys'. I must admit, it was good. Good not because of the movie, but more because of the company, including the moments when they (Terri & Gladys) were interrupting the movie and discussing their comments in the midst of my watching the movie (I was the only one who hasn't watched the movie) and I had to constantly put my pointer on my lips and go, "SHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Lols. Gladys said I was naughty. ;p

If it weren't for the 2 storytellers, I think I wouldn't have enjoyed the movie so much. They were explaining very details things to me like, why Edward's eyes were green, why the 'bad' vampires' eyes were red, why Bella was wearing sneakers, how vampires actually travel alone but the Cullens are very united and stick together and etc etc etc... Nice. :D

Initially, we all sat apart from each other, comfortably. Suddenly, Gladys got up and walked to my side, wanting to sit next to me. I got scared and thought that she was literally gonna bite me to turn me into a vampire (haha.. such fantasizing thoughts...), so as she sat next to me, I quickly got up and went to the OTHER corner of the sofa. They laughed really loud, and Gladys, not giving up, got up again to sit next to me again.. Lols. Looks like I wasn't going to escape anywhere... Lols. Just kidding..

It was really fun. We talked a little about it more after the movie while Terri & I had some soup which I boiled over the afternoon. Talked also about my Kevin Cheng. He will be here in KL on the 7th November!! I am so excited!! But when they asked me if I'd go to Summit Subang (he will be there) to see him, to breathe the same air as him and blah blah blah... I shook my head and said no. I like him.. but that doesn't mean I am some crazy fan who'd be amongst those who'd squeeze themselves silly just to catch a glimpse of him. Siao meh.. he thinks I have nothing else better to do?!?! ;p

Anyway, it's late. I've just borrowed the Twilight book from Gladys tonight. I guess I want to experience what it's really like reading the story, since I've watched the movie. Apparently, Twilight is written from Bella's perspective. Should be good.

And now, it's time to change and catch Kevin Cheng on Astro On Demand. Night night!!

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