Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I've just realised that not EVERYBODY would understand my basis of sharing on my blog. Some think that it is good sharing, some think that it is the journey of a person on her spiritual path, some think of it as washing dirty laundry in the public... And of course, there is always this counter argument that 'It is MY BLOG!'. Right?

But you see, I don't see it that way. While my entries do serve in a way as a 'diary' to me, if you have to call it that way, it is a reminder to me, and to others (if I am lucky) of an inward journey.

I know that sometimes I write aimlessly, directing no where of a day's outing, a day's experience. But most times, I consciously write from my heart, as a channel, an instrument to share what I've experienced, what I've learnt. I guess sometimes I forget that not everybody is on their inward journey, as I am. It is easy to forget especially when all that happens to me, happens for me. And I find that usually, as I start typing my entries, the answers do come along the way. How my guilt had overwhelmed me, yet freed me. How I was unsure of things that were happening (or more rightfully, the mind projecting), the ideas churning behind it. It's all in the Mind.

Many people think that they are their minds, they associate so closely 'I think', 'I feel', 'I', 'I', I''... but who is the 'I' but a story. And due to the constraint of time and space, or perhaps my lack of faith that people who'd actually sit down and read what I had to truly share about what I had learnt about the Mind - it'd bore them to death, or shy them away. And that's, not what I would want.

I've been guided to share, to write. I guess this is one of the best gift I am blessed with albeit the lack of accuracy in grammar or the volume of vocabulary. But I try. From the bottom of my heart, I do try. I choose to share my experiences instead of writing in more generic terms because I am aware the people receive messages in stories better. Would you read a self-help book, or a storybook? After reading Stephenie Meyer's books, I'd dare say so myself it is the story that makes it addictive to keep me flipping the page. In a self-help book, it is addictive to me when I am looking for answers. And I do have answers. But I lack the ability to express it in the way the authors' do. If I could, I think, perhaps I'd be rich by now.

I can't say I know a lot. But I do know enough for now. And what I share in my entries, if one was in their own inward path, would understand (or at least, I hope) that there is no one out there that could make him or her, or ME for that matter upset, happy, angry, joyful, sad or at peace. When a Master says, 'it's all in the Mind", although there is some truth in it, but it is not exactly the way you think it is. Do you even know where YOUR mind is? And if you are aware of the Mind, then are you aware that You are NOT your mind? We keep on saying, "my mind" because we are responsible for it. Same like a child. He or she IS your responsibility and duty to educate and nurture, but he or she DOES NOT belong to you. If he or she did, you'd seriously be in deep trouble! Ok, that was a joke! Lols.

Just a start. Notice in yourself if you usually play a victim, rescuer or prosecutor role to yourself and others in your life. When you tend to 'help' someone, are you helping that person or are you helping yourself? Could you see that, you feel 'bad' or 'upset' that a person was in trouble, and that when you 'help' that person, that person feels better, and you'd begin to feel better too? Have you noticed that in yourself? I have. That is what we call it the Triangle Prison. And by that, I do not mean that we don't 'help' others. But we do have to remember or be mindful that we could only share our ideas, and if that person is willing to accept your ideas, then that person is, in truth, helping himself and you had played no part in it, except to share your views. Ok, you might argue that, if you didn't share your views, then that person may not even had that option. But think about it again, had there been times, perhaps many many times that when you shared your ideas of what people should do, ought to do, could do, and people are totally oblivious to what you say? That's more that I could add to it. But seriously, how do I summarise everything here, when there is actually so, so much more.

The journey is paradoxical. I used to see anger, hatred, sadness and all negative feelings as big, big taboos that I'd hide them and sweep them under the carpet. But now, as they come, although I do admit the resistant attitude (from awareness), I welcome them. They give me a glimpse of the shit I had sown in the Mind when I was still 'asleep'. And do you know what I mean by being 'asleep'? No, no.. I am not saying that I am awaken, but I am in the journey of awakening. A lot of people misunderstand the concept of 'enlightenment'. Until now, there is still no sure to know exactly what it actually is. Only an enlightenment being knows, and that too, is hard to be put into words.

I just want to clarify that what I share from my journey in these entries with anyone who happens to read my blog is from my heart. They don't mean to offend, belittle or put down anyone. They serve as a sharing of my experiences and my realisations in the hope that if you too, resonate with my experiences that my realisations may support you on your inward journey.

I don't know even, if I should apologise. To apologise, would separate us. Separate us from the right and the wrong. Ahh... such is this world of duality. But if it does make anyone who had misunderstood my entries feel any better - I am sorry, please forgive me, I love you - from the bottom of my heart. Truly, even in times, when the Mind perceives you as someone for me to blame, the scapegoat for me to runaway from my pain. Because, I already know better.



  1. I bump into your blog and I back track a few of your entries, honestly speaking, I don't really understand what you are trying to said, but I conclued it as you are a very lost person with no direction and sorry to said you are looking for attention in the wrong direction.

  2. Hello, I wouldn't say that I am a great fan of your blog but I do follow it occasionally though I may not know you that well. As you're free to blog your thoughts, likewise it should allow me the freedom to post my comments. Hope that it is not offensive in any manner as these are purely my comments or opinion.

    I can agree with "Anonymous" posting his/her comments. To me, you are a mentally disturbed person and it is not wrong to be one. It could be of many different reasons or even excuses. You are so clouded with situations around and sometimes casts on situations and people and then you proclaim that this is your journey and learning, etc ....

    I understand that you are with this mindfullness or wellness centre called Clove & Clive. I know a number of people whom have attended their courses or lectures there and many had their issues solved, whether partially or wholly. And you happened to be one of the senior people and despite being that, what the hell happened to you? Don't you think that being in this situation would not only make you look so low but also the image and name of the place that you highly talk about or recommend? Can't they develop a program or something to cure you or have they given up on you and pretend to be nice to you?

    You are indeed very dramatic (or is it wannabe dramatic?). Looking at your blogs, you are desperate for attention. Since you claim to be a Tai-Tai (without a job of course), dramatic + seeking attention can pave a way for you to be an actress (B or C grade also nevermind lah). Try that and at least you have something worthwhile to do. You seem to have a husband that can play dual role (supportive or spiritual) and that could even boost your chances. Hope to see you in some TVB series next year lah.

    You seem to have issues with almost everyone lah .... your father la, brother la, husband la, maid la, kid la, friends la .... aiya ..... wonder whatelse la. Got issues with your dog or cat ah?

    Anyway, these are my personal opinions. Hope you get help soon and not try to be so defensive la. No reason to ........

    p.s : I am looking forward for your reply on my comments.....

  3. Dear Gerry, Thank you for exposing your raw inner self to us in another deep though-provoking introspective post. I hope you will continue to blog despite receiving the two anonymous comments above. All the best to you in your journey of awakening. :)

  4. Anonymouses: Appreciate your comments! :) Wow!! What reflections!! I must say, it was very brave of both of you to put down your comments. You are aware that I could delete your comments right? And I would share that I've contemplated, but decided not to. What's the point? When this is the truth for you and since it has appeared in my blog, there must be instances where I must have believed that I am what you decribe me to be. How wonderful! I get to know a little bit more about myself! :)

    Just to clarify, I don't have problems with anyone in my life, except with the ideas and concepts that runs in the mind. For that, I admit that there is insanity within, which is why, I treat almost every happening that triggers me seriously enough to reflect within. We all need people in our lives as cast for an experience in order to learn, to realise. That's all.

    If you do not enjoy reading about my experiences, you are always free not to visit my blog again. Of course, if you happen to find something here that triggers you anyhow, I hope that I had served you to get to know yourself a little better. :)

  5. Mun: Thank you so so much for your comments. Your comments touched my heart so deeply that I do not even know how to begin to express my gratitude and appreciation. I will continue to write and not be disheartened. God bless you! :)

  6. Hello again, this is Anonymous no.2,

    Thank you for appreciating my comment (if that's for real!). It was nothing be brave of anyway as this isnt a life threatening issue. Of course I am aware that you could delete it and I am not sure if I should thank you for that or not. Yes, very wonderful to get to know of yourself a bit more (if thats for real too).

    If you don't have problems with anyone, is it your ideas and concepts that have problems with people? Are you saying that your ideas and concepts are entirely a seperate being and they don't belong to you? You are so, so in denial. Why shift blames around? Insanity .... thank god that you admitted to that. Go and seek help (just my advice).

    Don't get me wrong but reading your experiences isn't any form of "enjoy" to me. It's just when I want cheap humour, I'll read through your experiences, or journey or whatever you call it.

    Good to hear that you have support after all. Keep it up!

  7. every comment is a reflection of your a controlled mind it should be a response to what you want to experience.if a reflection is discouraging,you can surrender it and then change it to a response.if the reflection persist,then it would wise if its of not of any major significance as in this case to ignore instead of putting more energy into it...

  8. I better identifly myself because there is too many anonymous here. I am the 1st anonymous, I told you that I bump into your blog,I came in again to see what you got to said about my comment, still refuse to accept the truth. All I got to said is "good luck". If you want to believe in all those reflection by all means, stay that way and be unhappy.

  9. Dear Anonymous no. 1: I just want to clarify that I am not unhappy. With the techniques of mindfulness, I am able to watch the 'films' that runs in the mind, rather than being totally immerse with it. I don't shun it away either as I used to. Therefore, I allow it to play by itself in the mind by watching it, and try to identify the ideas or rather the programming that brings forth such projection. I know that to some people, I may sound like a troubled child but really, I am not. My realisations of these experiences, especially understandings that it has all nothing to do with anyone out there makes me take responsibilities for my own happiness, and that makes me happy. After all, these realisations/understandings free me, and the people that I love, or in fact, anybody that could have been a target of blame. That is what I have been trying to share. I am happy. In fact, I've never been happier and truer to myself, in my life.

    Nevertheless, I do appreciate your comments, truly. Although it did hurt in the beginning reading it, but I felt that these were necessary for my highest good. Thank you, Anonymous No. 1, and I wish you all the happiness too. :)

  10. have came accross your blog.... very interesting. I think you should stop clarify and defending so much.... I mean, you have your life to live and live it to the max ..HAPPILY. No doubt, your tread shows a lot of hatred, jeoulousy, discomfort, suspicious and various emotional expression, I think you deserved to be happy... everybody does.

    So, my point is, maybe you should slow down on your theory and analysis..... go out and open up your heart and enjoy all the freinds you have. Don't bother about blogging and updating for a while... you might see things differently. Trust people more, enjoy the friendship, share all the happy moments, do not expect returns, do not even weigh them. Too much of studies how to be perfect won't make you perfect, practice that and you will really feel it....

    by the way, my 2 cents of thought.

