Friday, November 6, 2009

Time Flies

How fast time flies. It is already Friday.

Today was an exceptionally busy day for me comparing to my other days in this week besides my reading of the Twilight series. Hubby bought me the 3th & 4th series and I have decided to take it easy on the reading of more vampires, werewolves and the illusionary meaning of love between a human and a vampire.

Finally obtained the offer letter from the school that we would put Thea in, at the same time accompanying Jer Lin for her appointment with Peggy. The meeting with Peggy (although nothing directly related to me) served as further validation to me that, THAT IS, the school I'd want Thea to be in. How wonderful! :D

Had tea with Jer Lin and later bought some other household stuffs. Had tea with hubby and Thea (hubby complained that he wanted tea too! ;p) after Jer Lin left. Had dinner and then proceeded to a massive grogery stock-up at Tesco. It was a wonderful trip. Now that I am back, I am happy to see Bee & Prissy at home. I like to come home to more people at home. :D

Now, while Bee is talking to me by my side while I am writing this... and then now (oops, now fast a moment goes by), walked away (being aware that I am not paying attention to him! lols), and watching hubby entertain Thea by my side too (we are in the same room)... it's blissful. :) Did I mention, after grocery, we went to have dip-dip (luk-luk in cantonese) for supper and Thea whalloped 2 sticks full of fishballs! So fun!

Tomorrow and Sunday will be a busy day for me. Angeline is not well physically so I will be running the show almost alone. But Soo Lan will be there to help out and I am really grateful for that. It's Clove&Clive's BMS Event by the way, and I am looking forward to serving the practitioners and participants there. It will be a fulfilling weekend. I know that eventhough I am playing a pretty small role, I'd make a difference there in providing a cozy and calming environment for the people present at the centre.

It's 10.40pm now. Time to packup for tomorrow's fruitful day, and to catch up with either Eclipse or AOD. Have a great and blessed weekend you! :)

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