Sunday, January 10, 2010

All About Books


Fun Book Club Title: Notes to Myself by Hugh Prather

Friday was the commencing of the 1st session of the 3rd Fun Book Club at Clove&Clive. This time the book to be shared, contemplated and discussed was "Notes to Myself by Hugh Prather." The book did not arrive in time so dear Angel had to scan approximately 12 pages onto the laptop and to be shared with everybody, the first few pages of the book via the projector.

We only managed to cover 3 pages. There were much some of us had to say and share. It was beautiful. Many views and opinions were exchanged and it was obvious how some views were the same, while some views differ. While the words presented were the same on screen, but the meanings breathed into each individual minds were somewhatly different, depending on each of our own journey of understanding.

The Fun Book Club will carry out for another 5 weeks (in total of 6 weeks) or more; depending if we could finish covering the contents of the book. The facilitator is of course, BB, our beloved teacher, who had evolved and progressed in his own journey after his return from the retreat in Burma. We were all grateful for his presence, his facilitation and his sharing.

Thank you for the wonderful creation of the book-in-subject, BB's facilitation, everyone's presence and sharing during the Fun Book Club session. :)

Yesterday was an annual event held by Clove&Clive at Clove&Clive where people who are invited to thie Event were asked to bring a book or a CD or any gift of inspiration to exchange them during the session. The turnout was good. Our faithful Angel arranged everything and it was a smooth flowing event. Lots of laughters. We even played a game for better understanding on how two people never ever met each other, that views on even one word/subject matter would vary depending on each and individual's meaning or past experiences. Could we look or view things in the another way? Possible. Could we see things from the other's point of view? Possible. But in my experience, it is only possible and relevant if I myself had gone through the same experiences or conditionings. That too, may not fully define or call into a full 100% agreement or match to what another may mean or view. It's all in me and I could never really know what is in another. Get it?

During the book exchange, I received this book titled, "If I really wanted to Make A Difference, I would..." It didn't had an author's name so my guess is that it is a collection of explainations where we could apply our own attitude to life.

Book I've received in lieu of an exchange : If I really wanted to Make A Difference, I would...

I've read a couple of pages. They would serve as lovely reminders in my day-to-day. It's beautiful...

Thank you for the presence of all beautiful beings during the Book Exchange Event. :)

As we were all about to leave, Angel gave me a surprise. She handed me this book, and told me that it's for me. I could see the mind going through its databank of its myraids of details, trying to search for an occasion, a promise, or a date which synchronised with this gift. There was none! It was just a sweet bonus from my darling Angel. :)

Surprise Bonus from Angel: Love Without Conditions by Paul Ferrini

I love Paul Ferrini's books. In fact, there are so many of his books that I would like to read and absorb totally! But Alas, my book shelf is still filled with books that I have yet to touch, not to mention that I am still struggling to finish up the 3 books that is still sitting on my 'Currently Reading' list. I find that books with spiritual contents are lovely to read, and yet, is one that we can't rush through. Having said that, I do have this trusting that each time I pick up a book to continue its contents, I find myself understanding what the chapter presents even more especially so after one or few experiences altogether. It's like a sort of invinsible guidance, leading me to experience certain events, be affected by it, and then turn to the book for some sort of better understanding. I trust. :)

Thank you Angel, for this beautiful book. :)


  1. Hi,

    I found your book exchange event very interesting. I envy your reading collection. I love to read too but mostly fiction - historical romance type, not that serious type like you. How fast normally you finish one book? I wish I can be like you to read more different types of books... :)

  2. Hi Jennifer, thanks for your thoughts on my entry. :) It really depends what kind of books I read. For ficton, I normally read that pretty fast if they are interesting.. if not, I take AGES! If not, I don't even finish them! But for self-help books, I take time too because they need time to digest! It can range btw weeks to months!! lols! Basically, I just love reading.. and it so happens that I have lots of serious books because they call out to me more often than the others.. hehehe.. I hope you will find time to read books you enjoy. It may encourage creativity and imagination... :) Namaste.

  3. Hi, I read quite often too if you count my romance novels. Haha! I have my own reading club in my office and we rent and share novels among us. As rental books have time limit, I normally finish at least 1 or 2 a month. I bought self-help books too but like you said, it kind of taking a bit time to finish. Hehe! I hope you will share more thoughts on your reading stuff and I will sure drop by and read. Hehe!

  4. Hi Jennifer, thanks for your encouragement to share thoughts on my reading.. I will definitely do so! I normally only share what I could express. Some of the stuffs are unexpressable so I normally quote them but some of them can be very long too!! hehehe... Feel free to drop by anytime or email me if you wish to know more about any of the books that I've read! fictions!
