Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The First Fall

Please bear with me. It's still about Thea... :{

Because of the availability of the sun-hat now, Thea was able to play in the uncovered area during lunch time after her meal. I placed it into her bag yesterday and reminded her this morning when I dropped her off at school that if she wanted to play in the sun, she had to wear the sun hat. She said, "ok!"

I arrived in school to pick her up at about 11.55am. I think I was the earliest parent. So I just looked around the play area, scanning for Thea... ah... there she was, having fun... climbing up and sliding down the slides, sitting on the see-saw and running around. She was so happy...

And then suddenly, I saw the principal carrying a little girl running from the playground to a bench in the covered area. The little girl's face was tucked into the principal's shoulders... oh dear, what happened to the little girl? She must have fallen down... ah, how quick the principal was.. to tend to a child who has fallen down... I thought. And then I noticed the little girl's shoes.. hmm, it's familiar.. and the pink shades of the socks sticking out... OMG!!! It was THEA!!!!!! I got worried almost instantly!! As much as I had wanted to run to her to be by her side, I knew I had to trust the principal. She had a good and careful look at Thea's legs, took tissue to wipe Thea's tears and nose, took another piece of tissue to dap on Thea's knees, gently smiling and talking to Thea. Obviously I couldn't hear what she was saying, but I saw Thea nodding her head. I was, in a way, relieved and much grateful. But that did not ease the tension of wanting to find out how hurt Thea was. She was asked to sit on the bench to rest. When the principal finally walked away to tend to other children, she sat alone. For a short while, she would stand up and attempt to walk away from the bench, as if still wanting to join the other kids but when she caught sight of the principal, she backed herself to the bench. It was a cute sight... lols.

The minute she saw me, she showed her sad puppy face. Awww.... I smiled at her and whispered, "I love you". She pouted some more. And the minute she got hold of me, she hugged me and cried... I pretended I didn't know what happened (she didn't see me all these while until school was over) and she refused to tell me! As if wanting to just cry her heart out over the fall. The assistant teachers told me what happened, but I already knew. :)

Accompanying this highlight of the day, I also found out that she did not go to the toilet in school and ate very little too. Sighs... well, at least she ate... and I tried to remind myself on times where I myself did not visit the toilet for hours when I was too busy doing whatever!! That still didn't ease off the worry bit.

Ah well, tomorrow is another day. Just hope it gets better, I admit, for my peace of mind...


  1. Hopefully Thea will be more at ease at school and willingly go to the toilet and eat more. *Fingers crossed!*

  2. Ooooooh yessssssss mun!! I am crossing my toes too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
