Wednesday, January 6, 2010

It's a GOODY DAY!!! :D

This morning, after I've dropped Thea at class, I had another word with her teacher. Why I say another word is because yesterday, I had a word with her about Thea'seating; and today, another word about her going to the toilet. I asked if there was anything I could do anything at home to make it easier for her to adapt the 'nature of the body functions' in school. The teacher was too kind, assured me that I was doing a great job already by sharing these information with her, and reminded me that consistency is the way to go with kids her age. I left the school smiling. :)

While I waited for her to finish her play time, I noticed that Thea's shirt was not tucked in properly from behind. Ah... a sign!! A sign that she went to the toilet!!!!! And sure enough, the assistant teacher confirmed my wishes!! To make it even sweeter, she ate!!! I was so elated that I decided to give her a treat. Actually, come to think about her, I bribed her with ice-cream last night. Lols. Told her that if she went to the toilet in school, and had her lunch in school tomorrow (which is today), I will buy her ice-cream tomorrow (which is today)! It worked!!

So off we headed to the gelato parlour in KK after school. She was happy, so was I. :) Both of us, a scoop each, laughing at each other indulging in each of our own ice-cream flavour.. lols. Cute sight!

Thank you GOD!!!! :D