Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Gone to Heaven

Just got back from dinner with Dad, my bros & their partners, hubby & Thea. Received news that Chalse (pronouced as "Chal see") has passed on today. Her sudden death has caused guilt in Dad. When Jon asked Dad what happened (he got the news the latest amongst us), Dad just replied, "I killed her..." It was sad to see how Dad put Chalse's passing onto himself.. :(

Apparently, the vet diagnoised that Chalse died of heat stroke. Dad thinks that it is because he put her collar too tight before he left home, attempting to prevent her from loosing herself from her collar because contractors were at his home for some repair works. Poor Chalse.

And dad also reminded that today is the 1st death anniversary of our Aunty Ling, his dear beloved 2nd sister. On top of that, he mentioned that his tyre punctured today too. He had a rough day. We all didn't know what to say, but all of us did feel a sudden lost and sadness that Chalse, Dad's best dog had left us. Dad said this though, "I think Aunty Ling came to take Chalse with her to protect her..." That was a nice thought.

Chalse had always been very protective of my Dad. I remember there was once, she fought off 2 german sherperd guard dogs from the corner house and walked back to Dad proudly when the 2 dogs were charging towards Dad. Dad was really proud of her. Chalse was also very weary of Thea because of Dad's affections towards Thea. Guess it's her way of showing Dad her jealousy. Sweet, huh?

Chalse had also blessed us with many litters of lovely puppies. Some we kept, some we gave away, some we sold. One of Chalse's babies is with us, which is our present pet dog at home, Doby. And another of Chalse's babies was bought by my next door neighbour. His name is Rocky.

Hubby thinks that it is unlikely that Chalse had left us by any reasons cited by Dad or the vet. He feels that it was time for Chalse to go (obviously by the reason that she had already left!) and that was why, Chalse left us just like that. Dad said that when he got home and found Chalse, Chalse looked like she was asleep. Perhaps Chalse was also missing Mia, Dad's maid for almost 7-8 years who had recently decided to go home to Indonesia permenantly. My heart goes out to Dad, whom I know will miss Chalse badly. I guess what is most sad is the sudden-ness of such departure, not even having a chance to say good-bye. How ironic, I was just reading a book titled 'An Hour to Live, an Hour to Love' which shared a similar true life story.

Fortunately for us, or more for Dad, he had kept one of Chalse's puppies from her latest litter. Her last litter was about 2-3 months ago. Rod (Chalse's loyal mate of whom Chalse was also loyal too) would miss her too. Dad had tried to mate Chalse with other rotties, but she refused, only saving herself for Rod. Even in animals, we witness such loyalty. They at times, reflect what us as human sometimes lack integrity to do.

I never knew Chalse very well. She had always been a quiet dog, only restless whenever Thea was around. I'd say that Chalse had played her role well in protecting and loving our family during her presence with us in this lifetime.

Thank you, Chalse... you will be remembered, always... Love be with you wherever you are... You did well. You have served us very, very well... We are proud of you, no matter what; and we'd love you endlessly.


  1. May Chalse rest in peace.

    This sad event sort of reminds me to treat every goodbyes as if it is the last one because we truly will never know when it is the time to go for any beings.

  2. It's very true Mun. Just last night, I watched the movie 'P.S. I Love You'. Same thing.. must always treasure those and cherish those people around us.
