Friday, January 22, 2010

There's No One Looking, Let's just pLAY!!!

I had wondered before... in fact, I have kinda experienced before. I say this in a doubtful manner because I am not sure. But upon reading and reflecting one of BB's blog entries titled All experiences is of me, not for me or to me, I suddenly got a deeper glimpse of what it means by there is really, really no one out there.

You see, I had always wondered.. what if everything that happens in the world is relevant to me. Not relevant to me in the sense that I'd need to do somthing about it, but just for me to observe and enjoy the experience. It can be the earthquake in Haiti, the beggar in pasar malam, a friend writing a rude and hurting email to me, a neighbour fighting for his voice to be heard, my wise teachers who are constantly guiding and supporting my journey and etc... I remember when I was in the midst of an e-conversation with a friend which she became quite heated up (in my perception), and then I wrote the words, 'I'm sorry, please forgive me, I love you.' (a.k.a. the Hoponopono, I think). At that point in time, the direction of these words was to her, and to me. She must have thought that I did or say something wrong to her (in my perception) that she wrote back, 'these words are for you'. Since I was already aware that it was for the both of us, I replied, 'does it matter?'. And today, I had a realisation - that when I say these words - if I was directing it to another as in like, Gerry (me) to AAA (you, him, her or you-get-what-I-mean), then it is the ego saying sorry to another ego. But, if there is understanding that the other person is just a symbol when Hoponopono intention is being carried out, I am consciously bringing the symbol back to me to be surrendered - so, ultimately, it's for me! Geez, I am not even sure if I am wording this our right.. I agree totally with what BB shares in his entry of If a Picture Paints a Thousand Words.

I understand that the world is my reflection, because whatever meaning that I put into someone or something out there are simply my own ideas of interpretation and hence, would only show me what I think they are doing to or for me; again through my own ideas.  Whatever happens in reality, may not even be the case at all! What others think or do is irrelevant to me; it is what I think and feel about my reflections (i.e. the outside of me coming back to the inside of me) which are more important - because it despicts my intentions and ideas at that point in time! Waitaminute... is there still someone out there?? lols! In a very simplified explaination, everything and everyone out there is a symbol of an idea being projected from the mind. Isn't this incredible?!?

The world is like a playground. I was watching the 'The Biggest Loser' yesterday on Astro and the blue team were discussing who should be voted out amongst them. So most of them (I think) suggested to vote out this Asian-American woman because she loss the least weight amongst the others. She was holding back her tears as one of the team members asked her what she thought of it. She bravely said, "It's just a game."

It is true. And everyone knows that - The Biggest Loser reality show is JUST-A-GAME!! We, as observers enjoy the show like entertainment; while the participants in there take the game very very seriously - until to the point that they'd feel the pain, the joy, the embarassment - even though they know, it's just a BLOODY GAME!!! And how different is that game from life? And here I mean, our attitude. Can we get not-so-personal and uptight about life and just joyfully do our best? Why do we cry? Do we cry joyfully because it was such a good game played? Or guilt that we had not tried our hardest?


  1. Why are examinations stressful and not fun? It is because you HAVE to pass! In life you HAVE to succeed. That kills an individual of becoming humane. It is no longer the journey but the destination that counts. How to have fun?

  2. Why do we cry? Perhaps it is because we do not want to play but we have no choice but to keep on playing because stop means die.

  3. Hi htl, we already know the destination. It is the journey that we explore; and yet.. because of the wanting/desire of a different outcome to the journey, we resist it and conveniently 'forget' to have fun. So I guess it helps to be mindful, and to create many wonderful reminders around us to remind us to have 'serious' fun, instead of taking fun 'seriously' - something shared with me approximately half year ago. ;)

    Hi Mun, have you watched the movie 'The Game' starred by Michael Douglas? What you said reminded me about the movie! :)

  4. Haha, ya, I've watched that movie. :)
