Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Diligent Presidency

You wouldn't believe what I am taking a break from!! Reading the old files of our Resident Association! Lots and lots of paper!! Dusty too! And it is giving me a wee bit of a sinus reaction.. ergh!

Something came to me this evening to start calculating the annual security fees vs the annual collection from the participating/contributing residents. It is either I am really bad at calculations, or no one has really double-calculated the figures that the final equation (according to my calculations) came up with surpluses. I quickly called Terence and Keem (I wanted to call Kevin too but I am guessing that he must be pretty busy now - his wife just delivered so he must be busy being an old daddy, a new daddy and a grateful hubby! hah! ;p) to share my discovery! Not much was discussed though. So after I put Thea to bed, I was determined to find out how the previous ratio between the type-A, type-B and type-C houses (which the unhappy neighbour strongly suggested we re-adapt) were derived.

At the moment, I still can't find it... and I am already sneezing away due to the dust. I remember my eye doctor told me once that I ought to stay in space where it's free from dust! lols!

Flipping through the history of the formation and selfless contributions by the previous committees, I discovered how my perception on a dutiful Residents Committee deferred from theirs. Of course, security feature was a commoner, but the other additional stuffs that they do for the neighbourhood and community are amazing!! From communications with the developer, constant liaison with the Majlis Bandaraya, street parties, gotong royong, Merdeka get-togethers and etc. Impressive!! Though I will admit that besides the gotong royong bit (which I may only resort to picking dry leaves - I don't even clean my own house for Pete's sake!!), I hardly think I'd join in the fun; so that probably explains why it never really crossed my mind to be hosting or organising such events for the community! In my perception, the main and only concern was security of the neighbourhood. If we make a conscious effort to get in touch with our neighbours anyway, we don't really need parties like these to do so. Of course, having said that, it is always nice to have a gathering. I'd have to admit that the reason I know a lot more wonderful neighbours now in my neighbourhood is because of my previous post as the Street Rep and my current position as the President!! Still...

Obviously, there is comparison. Don't know why though, I observed within myself that there seems to be no dire need for an action-oriented competition or copy-cat attitude. Possibilities of ideas churn in, but the inspiration is lacking. Poor neighbours! Deprived of parties because of a lazy president.. lols!

Just to share, when I was about to sleep last night (or rather this morning), I received a call at 1:10am from the security guard explaining that his friend (which was the other guard on duty) was bitten by my new neighbour's dog. Without further delay, I made a call to the owner of the dog, dressed up and subsequently proceeded to check on the security guard.

Ah... no biggie at all - just a little swell.

The owner apologetically took him to a 24-hour clinic for a jab. This morning, the owner and I had a short, sweet chat. She later texted me words of acknowledgement after we put down the phone! Ask me if I live for moments like these being President of the Residents Association? Nah... I am happy to be able to do my part. Actually come to think about it, all I did was pick up the call from the security guard, make another call to her, changed, walked out of the house to make sure that the guard is taken care of, and then went back to bed. So technically, I didn't do anything!! Lols!! But I know what she meant, and I appreciate her acknowledgement :). Best part - came evening, I received a cheque from her as her contribution for the security fees. No, no.. she didn't contribute because of what happened last night... I am just happy with the speedy collection! :D

Ok lah.. time to go back to 'work'! Sweet dreams all!


  1. The residents are so lucky to have such a diligent president such as yourself! :)

  2. haha! thanks Mun!! Psst!! Actually, I am the blessed one with the opportunity to serve ;), don't tell anyone ok... :P
