Friday, March 19, 2010

Fear of the Known & Unknown.

The mind is fearful of the unknown, but thinks it knows the known and also what lies in the unknown - which is what makes it fearful; and yet the truth is, it knows not of anything known or unknown, which is why it is always in a state of fear.


  1. and the fear of unknown is what we call as obstacles...

  2. And the obstacles, in truth, do not exist.

  3. Fear is what kept us alive. Without fear, we would be doing all sorts of risky things that may have killed us long ago.

  4. Can we then, do or not do things out of right understanding, instead of with fear?

  5. If human can do or not do things out of right understanding, then there would be no war in this world.

  6. It keeps me thinking every time i come to your blog...

  7. Dear Mun, there is no war outside but our own inner wars. When our inner wars ceases, so will the war outside. :)

    Hi sdovelly, guess what, it keeps me thinking too!! And the flavour of comments I constantly receive from loving people like you supports in one way or another, the right understanding to surface. Even if it does not happen immediately, it happens eventually. :)

  8. Yes, yes, yes Gerry. I guess we are all very lucky in Msia where there is no outside war except our inner wars. :) Not so much for people living in war-torn countries who risk having a limb blown off every now and then. :(
