Sunday, March 7, 2010

It's Over. :)

The most tedious part of what was required to complete, is now completed. When I say 'tedious', again I meant it in a 'volumized' manner and not with resentment. :p

With teamwork, all was sorted out by 3:30pm today. We went for a drink and chatted a little. Believe it or not, the minute I got home, which was about 5pm, I went straight upstairs, changed my shorts, on the air-con and went straight to bed... lols! I was so tired! It was not long that I found myself snoozing away... lols!

It was a lovely nap. If not for the bladder being full, the stomach growling a little (it's dinner time), and the voices of my hubby and Thea luring my 'wanting' to be surrounded by them, I think I'd still be in bed ;p.

So it's time for dinner now. Have a pleasant evening! :)


  1. Ah.. thanks sdovelly.. believe it or not, I still feel like sleeping!! hahaha!
