Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Another Friend Episode

I just came back from Klang. Met up with a primary school friend whom I had not met in 21 years. She was one year my senior and to be honest, I can't even remember if we talked then. But she remembered me, and I remembered her too (though bad with names on my side - eesh!).

We met at Starbucks, Bukit Tinggi. Although I doubt that we had ever really spoken to each other when we were little girls in primary school, it didn't feel strange connecting with her today (on my side, that is). We talked about lots of things - work, Melbourne (she lives there now), husbands, kids (she's pregnant now), Malaysian drivers, properties in Melbourne, friends, life in general, Klang... It was a great getting-to-know-each-other session. I wouldn't really call it a catch up session since I never really knew anything about her until today. In fact, as I sat down next to her when I first arrived, she asked if meeting up with her was freaky since we didn't really 'know' each other. I was quite shock to hear that and assured her that I did not find it freaky at all. In fact, I was overwhelmed and grateful for her 'renewed' presence in my life. :)

I actually had a good time. I did not feel weird in any sort of way and felt more appreciation when I received a text from her after we have both left each other's presence, citing how glad she felt that we 'caught up' with each other. I am glad too. :)

Irene is a strong woman, who stands her own grounds. When she asked me if she looked any different from before, I told her that she is a lot smaller now than how I'd remembered her (she used to be really chubby in primary school days). I feel kinda honoured today to be able to witness how beautiful she is at present, despite her pregnancy. She concluded that we both didn't change much though, except that we were prettier.. Lols.. what a way to boast our ego.. Lols.

Thanks Irene, for a wonderful time. Hope to see you again, either here or in Melbourne. Enjoy your pregnancy and your upcoming Parenthood. God Bless!


  1. Aaahhh...looks like you're going on a friend marathon spree. That's good....enjoy yourself...

  2. Ya man!! Tell me about it! hah! But I am enjoying it nevertheless...
