Friday, December 19, 2008

The Old Serving MSN Blog

I have this thing of not leaving behind anything or anyone that I love when they are as much alive as I am. What more, my memories... and by here, I do mean my old serving blog on MSN. I tried the easy way out to import the blog which apparently seems impossible... so I guess I will have no choice but to cut and paste my old entries unto this blog before I start blogging something new.
And then, I suddenly realised that it is a little late now.. and tomorrow is another new day and I might feel differently about bringing entries vis-a-vis memories from my old blog here.. well, we will see how it goes...
Gladys is right, I should have named this blog : gerryisindecive. ;p
Btw, Gladys, how do I space in between paragraphs arr???


  1. i also faced the paragraph spacing problem... what i did was, i just use and '*' to space my paragraph.

  2. Ohhh.... smart.. thanks for the tip!
