Friday, December 19, 2008

Blast from MY Past: 2 January 2008


It is now officially 2nd January 2008. Sorry.. it is not like I intentionally wanted to blog on the 2nd, instead of the 1st or 31st of December; I really just didnt have the time! I was either busy working, attending to Thea, cooking, entertaining friends and catching up with sleep! If it wasn't for the dinner with my dad on the 1st, I think my nap from 330pm would have gone right through to 7am in the morning on the 2nd, which is today!

Well, I am not sleeping now, which I ought to, because I feel like blogging. It is new year and i feel like putting down my thoughts before I forget what I want to remember. And I had actually planned to make it more memorable to blog on the 1st, but I really couldn't make it... sigh... but I've decided not to be harsh on myself though.. Come on! It is the start of the another year! I should experience it with forgiveness and it should begin with me right?

Ended 2007 with a mini gathering at home. Wonderful friends came with delicious food and stayed on till countdown. Three of our friends actually cooked, including myself - meatloaf, shepherd's pie and my crispy fried tofu. The meatloaf was really yummy cooked by Chef Alina - hubby and I finished the leftovers this morning - hahaha, the shepherd's pie was cooked by Chef Shermin who didn't come (her hubby, Desmond brought the pie) and roasted Vege by Chef An - she wanted to make sure that we wouldn't be constipated by all the meat we were having. I think my tofu was a failure although some friends did tell me it was sooooo nice. I think they were trying to be nice . I admit I am not a talented cook. It's not that I dont enjoy it, but I am too lazy in understanding the recipes and complicated ingredients which obviously is a hindrance to cooking! Well, one of my new year resolution is to learn to cook / bake one dish a month. I think I am better focused because I now have Alina to seek help from to understand recipes and ingredients - she found her passion to cook since don't know when and is becoming quite talented in it.

2008 greeted me with a smile from my precious this morning . I love it whenever she calls me "mommi". It always sounds like music to my ears . We then had lunch with mom, came back home to nap and then dinner with dad. My poor girl's pattern is all out during this festive holidays. Sleeping and waking up late... I am so afraid that she is not getting enough rest. But I think it will get better from tomorrow onwards since the next festive season will be about a month away - Chinese New Year - another season to prepare for and look forward to.

2007 hadn't exactly been a good year for me personally. I've lost money and had pretty trying times within myself on issues of my career and our family finances. Somehow, friendships are rekindled; life experiences enriched and the relationships with family members are better. I've even come to get to know hubby and to understand him better. He is truly a gem. I hope Thea grows up to be like him. I've noticed that he has so many positive and good traits in him that sometimes make me feel so small when I compare my thoughts and actions to his in a given situation. I am so blessed to be his chosen one .

In 2008, I look forward to many things. More quality time with my family, friends and myself; to gain dad and my brother's trust and confidence; to cook / bake (mentioned above) and etc... to name a few. I also look forward to better control of my thoughts and actions. I am afterall not getting any younger and should consciously be wiser in my thoughts and actions. I am aware that my little angel is always be watching me and I would want her to only learn the good things right ?

Welcome 2008! I hope you bring us more good news, memories, experiences and opportunities than 2007 did ... Bring it on!

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