Sunday, December 28, 2008

Excitement - The Jinjang Orphange Project

I am feeling very very excited at this moment. I received an email from Gladys yesterday about this orphanage in Jinjang. It is pretty run down in sight and there are currently 31 kids staying there with the youngest about 1 month old and the oldest about 23 years old I think. All Gladys asked for was for us to pool our resources together so that the kids could go to school and to bring them lunch some time next month. What came to my mind was, what is going to happen after that? Because not many people are aware of this orphanage, they are struggling on a month to month basis and for us to pool resources once in a while amongst friends to help them pull through this hurdle may only be temporarily. So an idea struck me while I was trying to get myself to sleep last night- to start a fund-raising project for them!! And this project will include so many things that will not only bring them sufficient funds but to uplift their current environment!!
I trusted my instincts on who to call.. friends from various fields and with gifts/talents to share... and started contacting them one by one. In fact, I am meeting Terri tonight to see how we could approach this. Maybe we could get Ramesh to get us an affordable location to host a charity bazaar and etc... Lots of ideas that really need to be carefully planned and discussed for it to materialised. I have also spoken to Boon Ling to see how Clove&Clive could contribute to this and she promised that she will look into it.. it is so wonderful!! All positive feedbacks so far!! And all these is thanks to Gladys to have brought this orphanage to my awareness!! Thank you so much again, dear angel!!
I am really excited and praying for all these to happen.. asking the Universe to bring me like-minded people to make this project a huge SUCCESS!! Who knows, maybe though this project, we might be able to reach out to more people who actually need our assistance and help!
Now, now... don't get carried away.. hehehe.. but I thank the Universe for this project to at least get started. With love and light, I BELIEVE and TRUST that this project will come into fruition and to bring more love and light to these wonderful children who are our future.
And YOU, if you think that you want to be part of this project or anything that you can contribute, please do drop me a mail at ya! It'd be a blessing to have you on board too!! Remember that no one is too small for anything, and YOU can truly make a difference if you choose.
Blessed You Are.

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