Friday, December 19, 2008

Blast from MY Past: 5 December 2006

Loyal "Fans" a.k.a Friends That Care...

I received three comments on my latest blog today. Well, I wouldnt say that they are comments... one was a "I'm sorry" from hubby, and two were "are you feeling better now?" concerns from two very good friends of mine.

My hubby is a one-off I think. He hardly gets on my blog to read unless he is online to chat with me when he is overseas, and really, that happens like.... hmmm... not very often. My two friends are frequently online and sometimes, when we are not busy, we chat our days away!

While one of them will take time to post comments on my blogs after reading (she didnt today because she was rushing out); the other would message me online and tell me what she thought of my blog, or just ask me directly if i was ok. I believe that there are some others who'd take time to read my blogs because off and on, I'd get another few including such as my aunt, my SIL (YES!! She told me she does!! YAH!! ) who shares with me that they read my blog but give no comment, and that it's their way of getting to know me better!

My brother thinks that blogging is a form of advertising. Found out a couple of mouths ago that some people actually blog for money... Reason I blog? Simple. To share.

Then the next question - what is it that I am sharing? Funny one should ask... hehehe... because you know, my blog is not accessible by just ANYBODY!! If you are able to access my blog, it is because I want you to, because I've set limited few to be able to view what's on my blog. If I am proud, I could say that you are the priviledge few... haha! but really, you are just amongst those that I trust, cherish and people that I'd love to share some of my life's episode and lessons with! And although only less than a handful out of the very few that I've allowed access to my blog would actually take the time to read, it's ok... because i know at the very least some of my friends actually do care !

And then again, some people would say - aiya.... sibuk only mah... Nothing to do mah read lor... And it's really ok too... because it is indeed a way to stay in touch! A very non-interactive way... but I guess that'll have to do, right?

I am inspired today to write such a blog because of my two friends who initiated concerns about me. One was through MSN, and another was through a phonecall. Regardless the methods of conveyance (seriously, got such word ka? ) I appreciate it so much!! We all may have been busy with our days and yet, no hesitation to click on the little flower to read on further updates on our friends. Isn't that great?! I tease them and call them my loyal "fans" but deep down, I know that they are my friends who cares and gives a damn. My very sincere and true friends indeed...

And here, I'd like to thank not only my two friends, but also each and every one who does occassionally click on that flower beaming next to my name . I already have much to thank for in my life, and one more of them would have to be you, for doing the simpliest thing --> giving me some space and time in your busy routine for my little unadventurous, unexciting and humble blog. If my blog had not served to share some insights on how I view life, I hope that it had certainly entertained you in some way or another...

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