Friday, December 19, 2008

Blast from MY Past: 19 October 2006

Feng Shui

It's funny. When people find out that I actually follow some feng shui rules, they think I am old fashion, or must have many dingling-dangling things in my house to enhance this and that. The truth is, yeah... I do have some, but not extensively.

I guess I owe my interest in feng shui to my mommi. She took on an interest to learn feng shui and shared with me some knowledge which she thought would be useful to me, and as I initially took an open approach to things, I did find things improving bit by bit. Now, I believe in the matching and balancing elements, I believe in doing things right at the right time on the right day, I believe doing things together with the right kind of people for specific events, and most of all, I believe in the essential need of being in harmony always at home.

I have friends who have passed comments that I have an almost perfect life - a good hubby, a beautiful daughter, a homemaker (seriously, that's good life? ) and perhaps, a worry-free life? I guess what they mean by worry-free is that first of all, I don't worry about there not being enough food on the table, I don't worry that I am unable to pay our commitments on time, I don't worry that I will be poor if I shop a little more this month and etc. In a way, yeah.. I am worry-free, and I was not like that before. I worried about every damn thing under the sky, even on my wedding day (and seriously, who wouldn't?), but I guess a lot of things changed when I consulted this Master, and what my mommi has shared with me about feng shui. Well, it's not like I am 100% worry-free also... but it gets better.. and life gets better, even on those months when cash is low, and we've got to stinge a little - it'd be fun! Crazy me, huh?

I guess what amazes me is around us, are couples - whether married or not - they fight. Some verbally, some emotionally, some mentally and some even, physically. When we hear of things like that happening to people we know, we'd feel sad and bad for them. At the same time, an increase of appreciation between hubby and I often automatically generates too. We would hold each other even more, hug each other even more, and assure each other of our love towards each other even more. We'd feel so lucky to have each other and that we don't fight. Even when we do (come on.. we are humans too ok!! ), we'd make up very quickly and easily!

So I asked my hubby that night about what he thought - if our marriage is lovey-dovey because of feng shui, or is it because of us, ourselves? He could not deny that he too felt the effects of feng shui, and at the same time, felt that we both played a role in making our marriage, thus far, a beautiful one. We talked, discussed and concluded that feng shui did play its role in our marriage, but for it to happen, harmony had to be present, and harmony came from both our efforts . Maybe to some people, they'd think that I am boasting, or showing off; but seriously, our marriage is good (despite the petty quarrels on dance practises, photos with Thea, eating with steel plates and etc... ). We are happy and are often, in peace and harmony with each other. Can't deny that we take a conscious effort, but that conscious effort is rewarding, because we don't take each other for granted, and that is importnat. At least, that is what I believe. And that believe came from feng shui.

Sigh... I owe it to my mommi again...

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