Friday, December 19, 2008

Blast from MY Past: 19 July 2007


It has been terrible since I turned 30. I spent less time at home, more time in the office and outside, trying to close deals. And... just 3 days ago, my neck and shoulders gave way. I sprained it. It was so bad that I couldn't even get out of bed yesterday. Thank goodness for Dad's driver, and also the fact that he is not around, bros got the driver to drive me around so that I could still attend necessary meetings, including today.

I am feeling better today, at least I can start driving and turning my head left and right though not excessively. And my moods have been more stable. Don't know why, the past weeks, I have been feel stressed. It's as if I get up from the wrong side of the bed everyday ! And I literally have to take a conscious effort to bite my tougue so not to vent my stress or for-no-reason grumpiness on others. I am proud to say that it is to a certain extent, quite well controlled ! I guess the conversation I had with one of my partners, who also happens to be a wonderful friend made me feel better.

Business was challenging, and things weren't working out as planned initially. When my partner said she was extending another month before coming in full time with me in the business, it took a toll on me especially calls were coming in here and there for wedding quotations. A good way to look at it is that there are opportunities, but I guess because I am the only one running around, it is stressed me out a lot. The conversation with her gave me strength some how although she isn't physically with me during these period. Somehow, when she is calm and decide to be positive, and not ramble on like a broken recorder on the potential problems the company will face, it looks like all we really need to do is just to persevere and work at it harmoniously.

Another positive encouragement I received was from another friend through a chat with another good friend of mine whom I have not caught up for a long time. It happend on the day I sprained my neck. While reminding me to take care of my neck and health, she also encouraged me to be patient and to persevere. She is also in business herself and I guess she is also facing similar problems. She is a much positive person though, and I am sure she will prosper in her business too !

And of course, hubby played his role... he is always so sweet... He hasn't been around much this month because of work, but when he is around for that 2 days, he reminded me how proud he was of me because of how hard I've worked to make the company where it is today. Although we still have our teething problems, he said that all we have to do is just to persevere and do our best. Some day, it will happen the way we want it to happen !

Well, looks like lesson learnt out of these stressful weeks are PERSEVERANCE. Persevere, Persevere, Persevere... and that is what we'll we do...

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