Monday, December 22, 2008

Visit to Padmasambhava Home

In 2006, I actually pledged a certain sum of donation for hubby, Thea and myself for an orphanage for a certain months. All I knew was that we were donating "x" amount of money for their monthly maintenance for a period of time and after that, I don't know what happened.. or if it was other people's turns to pledge for a certain number of months.

Eversince Thea was born, I have always wanted to visit orphanages or old homes.. I had this vision that I would bring Thea to these people so that she could join me this journey of sharing and giving if it ever interest her.
So, this trip to Padmassambhava Home, is actually the one that we pledged to in year 2006. I didn't know that the people in charge of collecting such donation then was still very much involved in that orphanage! When I found out, I quickly jumped at the chance to join them on their monthly visit to the orphanage!

We all met at Carrefour, Jalan Kapar because it was nearest to the orphanage. I was late because I overslept (I seriously don't know how that happened!!!). When I got there, everyone was delegated to get certain groceries such as garlic, onions, marmite, rice, milo, fruits, can food and etc... it was quite exciting as I've absolutely love shopping for groceries!! After we were done, Lai Fun paid for the groceries almost item by item. I think it was for accounting purposes. And after all were paid, Lai Fun and Tuck Loon went to collect KFC which they had ordered from the counter right opposite the cashiers at Carrefour! It was absolutely perfect planning!

Here's some of us putting the groceries in various cars.

When we arrived there, all the kids were everywhere!! Plus, there was additional kids from some day care centre from Setia Alam. Apparently, the caretaker organised this trip for them as a holiday activity programme to expose the kids. I think it a splendid idea! I think the day care kids were not very enthusiast though cause it was indeed quite warm. Anyway, when we were there, the kids came out to help us carry groceries!! They were really a bunch of helpful kids!! FYI, altogether there were 31 kids, 6 single moms and 8 volunteers. Imagine, 31 kids!!! I think they rented like 4 connecting houses to house them all.
The kids were mainly of Chinese and Indian race. I think the eldest child was 23 and the youngest, only a few months old. It is sad to think that these children are abandoned and yet, when we arrived, they greet us with all smiles and laughter!! Some even teasing us!! Most of them are so loving and they'd willing climb on your lap and just sit there... Boon Ling asked me why I didn't bring Thea.. well, I wanted to survey this place first before I brought her and you know, after their language of communication, I am pretty sure that Thea will get lost in conversations with them because they all speak mandarin!! So, it is time to teach her mandarin.. hehehhee..
About 12ish, we prepared the KFC for them which we bought for them for lunch. We then said all our goodbyes and then left for lunch in Yat Moon, Klang. You should have seen their faces when they saw french fries!!! Sighs.. all kids just love french fries, don't they!
In case you were wondering about the rest of the photos, I got fed up trying to load them up because they kept either overlapping each other or creating a big space before the finished line before. Don't know if you understand me, but will kacau Gladys again on this.. hahaha..

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