Friday, December 19, 2008

Blast from MY Past: 13 November 2008

64.5kg (13th August 2008) to 59.7kg (13th November 2008)

Simple calculation: -
64.5kg - 59.7kg = 4.8kg
4.8kg/3 months = 1.6kg per month

This is the amount of weight I have lost in the span of 3 months since August 2008 averaging 1.6kg lost per month. Wow!! I deserve a pat on my back! And I am proud to announce that I did all that the healthy way - by observing my eating pattens, eating the right food, not allowing my body to go hungry, regular workout and with the Universe's Grace! By the term "regular", it doesn't really mean fixed days/times in a week. It is more like, whenever I get the opportunity, even at home, just to work out my cardio - I just start jumping, jogging, dancing around or just stretch!

Just to share with everybody, my target weight is 54kg. This was my weight before I got married. After I got married and before I got pregnant, I was 60kg. Apparently, this is natural because my body was getting ready for pregnancy. Then when I was pregnant, I was about 75-78kg I think. Then after I delivered and until August this year, I was averaging between 61-64kg I think. When I signed up with a personal trainer at the club in September earlier (which I had only been 3 times), he told me that 54kg would be too thin for me and suggested that 55kg would be ideal. I told him this, 1kg less of ideal would mean that I have space to pig out on certain days! hahaha... needless to say, he laughed along with me.

Later after my tattoo recovered (where I didn't exercise for about 1 month), I signed up at a gym approximately 1.5 weeks after sending Thea to a 3x a week class at Tumble Tots in Subang Parade. See, for the first 1.5 weeks, I was merely just walking around, shopping and sipping coffee at Subang Parade for a good 2 hours each day that I was there, waiting for Thea to finish her class. I was wondering to myself if it was possible that I'd be broke soon from the allowance that hubby generously share with me if I continued this pattern, especially for 3 times a week. Seriously, how much can I shop???

So I decided to do what was good for my heart, my body and soul. I enrolled in the gym. It jives perfectly with what the Health Ministry is promoting - 3 kali seminggu, 20 minit sehari. Hehehe.. unfortunately, the gym classes don't end in 20 minutes. They go for like about 50-60 minutes and I simply LOVE IT!!!!!! I've not felt so good in a long long time!

But I do need to mention this, when I first joined the gym, their personal trainer did a test on me and told me that my BMI was high and that I was obese (really, felt like slapping him), and then he told me that my ideal weight was actually 51kg! I looked at him with disbelief because I remember when I was 54kg, many of my friends were already complaining that I was too skinny (compared to my younger chubbier self la) and I was thinking if I am 51kg, I would be as skinny as Amber Chia, their ambassador! Hmm.. maybe they were taking her as a bench mark?
Anyway, I told him that I am not that ambitious yet.. I just want to get down to 54kg first and then will surely sign up with them when I am done with my personal trainer at the club and decide to get down to 51kg. Anyone wants to share their views with me if I should be 51kg or 54kg?

Well, I am proud of this recent weight loss, and I am more motivated now to gear myself towards a healthier and fitter body. 59.7kg - 54kg = 5.7kg more to go... GO! GO!! GO!!!

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