Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Plans for New Year's Eve

For the first time, no plans. No plans with family, no plans with friends. Last night was my routine meditation night and Tuck Loon said that there would be a meditation tonight, so I was thinking.. ah, what the heck? Come meditation better than nothing to do! So hah, I've not only geared myself for meditation tonight, but will also bring Thea and the maid there together!! If I was going to be surrounded with loving-kindness, then so would they! :) Kiasu hor?
This is really the first year I have no where to go and not surrounded by family and friends supplemented by food, alcohol and ciggerates. And by that, I do mean adults. However, I am not complaining, because I'd be surrounded by like-minded friends who are embarking on the same journey as I am and also, my precious daughter and loyal maid. I am truly blessed. Although it is unlikely that we will stay at the centre to countdown, but to feel their presence and to invoke beautiful and loving energies into us on the eve to welcome the new year would truly, truly be, or rather, is an extraordinary gift of life.
Well, I'd be leaving soon.. and will update whatever, if I feel like it. :)
Thank you, 2008 - the weakness has brought forth the greatness, the ugly has brought forth the beauty, the bad has brought forth the good and the fear has brought forth love, peace, joy and harmony... thank you for the lessons bestowed, and learnt.
With love, gratitude & grace, I wave goodbye to you. You have served me well. :)

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