Friday, December 19, 2008

Blast from MY Past: 4 October 2006

I love my mommi...

My mommi is the best-la! She pretends as if she is a toughie and we are all not her weaknesses.. but when something goes wrong, or is just not right, even in the slightest way, she tries to correct it in her own way.

Actually, she is a real understanding mommi too. You know, despite her nagging at times (actually, cannot be considered nagging also because she doesnt really repeat herself), she allows me to make my mistakes, or do things my way, and in some instance, she diligently follows my ways too!

For example, when I first delivered Thea, she wasn't too encouraging on breastfeeding because it would be very tiring for me and she didnt have much experience as she didnt breastfeed any one of us. But when she saw how determined I was to breastfeed Thea, she did her own research to help me increase the quality of milk. Of course, it did cross my mind that she probably did it because she wanted quality milk to go into her precious little number 1 darling - Thea.. hehe.. I do appreciate very much for her constant encouragement and advise on and off (mostly info from her yoga teacher). She even finds time to come over to boil or double-broil soup for me so that my body is not entirely drained.

Today, she came over and scolded me because the porridge I attempted to cook for Thea was too lumpy and not suitable for Thea at this stage . She praised Thea for being a clever girl that she did not swallow the porridge otherwise it might have choked her! After that, she told my maid to clean the anchovies, soak them, and then taught her how to dry-fry them without oil. After that was done (and seriously, I paid no attention to what she was doing at all!), she blended the anchovies into fine powder form and put them in a container. She then came out of the kitchen and told me, "eh, this one right, you just put it in the rice cereal. Sprinkle a little enough.. good calcium and vitamins one!" I laughed and replied, "aiyah.. the rice cereal got all those already one.." then she looked at me one kind, laughed and said, "aiya.. added benefits mah.." hehehe.. I of course will listen to her. After all her effort and time.. and TLC... sighs... she is such a great grandma to Thea... and she so eased my burden! hahaha

She has did many wonderful things to enhance my life and to make me feel so loved and not alone... At times when i was so doubtful about myself, she would guide me (although sometimes not so gently ) and help me choose the right path to walk. I honestly dont know how to thank her.. and I dont know how to begin also to express how so much she means to me, that I am so blessed that God has chosen such a wonderful mother for me this lifetime. I must have done something good in my past life, to have deserve her as my mommi.
Why a sudden blog of my mommi? Hehe.. because she was here this afternoon to scolded me because the porridge lor! hehe... I just love her so so much...

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