Friday, December 19, 2008

Blast from MY Past: 26 September 2008

The Dragonfly Tattoo

Today, is another milestone of my life. I braved myself, nervously (and alone) to Borneo Ink for my very very first tattoo. My appointment which was supposed to be 12pm was delayed because Lina (the tattoo artist) had to touch up someone's tattoo. After she was done, we spent quite some time just working on my final design. She drew and drew, and we discussed about colours and exchanged ideas.. She is nice, really. :)

Lina began her magic at 1:30pm. She was really patient and gentle. I will have to admit that the initial touch of the tool on my skin was not as excruciating as I thought it would be. In fact, it was more like ant bite, and a little itchy at some point. Yes, certain parts hurt more than others as she went round the design; but I have to say that it was not that bad an experience! I remembered to just breathe!

And to think that, I was having thoughts of chickening out (really, shame on me!!); trying to distract my mind by reading a book while waiting for Lina to finish up her touch up with another client; holding on to my phone tightly just in case I might need to call someone to chat just to get my mind off the pain during the session... really, how silly! I wasn't that weak! Good on me!!
The whole session ended about 3pm, which was rather short. I then decided to re-pierce the higher part of my left ear which closed up after I gave birth to Thea (I had to remove my jewelery to get ready for labor and forgot to put them back again after that). Now that, was quite painful. Vanessa (the piercer) said that I'd probably ran out of endorphins! haha!!

Ok, I am not really a photo person on the blog which I think is quite obvious from my older blogs. So sorry mate, you wanna see the tattoo, you gotta buy me limau ais, or latte at Dome ;p. Just kidding! Maybe I ought to learn from Alina how to put photos on the blog so that I could show off my new tattoo; but definitely not now.. Lina said it would take 2 weeks to heal so by then, I think the tattoo would look perfect (not that it is not perfect now also la.. just that it is still raw if you know what I mean!) I really really can't wait!!

To be honest, I think I would have never had the guts to go for it if not for what happened in the past month. I know that there will be people who will ask, "why ar?" and my only answer will be "It's just me and I live for me." I have thought about it long time even before I got married. It's just that at that point in time, it seemed not appropriate and then we got married and had a kid (well, I guess part of me also chicken la ;p), I just thought it should just be a fantasy. Someone told me that she respects people who have tattoos on their bodies because it's like people are making a statement about themselves. And I guess, to a certain extent, I do agree with her.
Why dragonfly? Really, I also don't know... but I just like them, and feel that they are the only living creatures that I could live with on my skin. And I have 2 dragonflies, which are entwined in a circle and connected with a smaller shining circle. One of them is me, and one of them represents all the beautiful and wonderful beings that I am connected to, and with. They could be my family, my husband, my daughter, my spiritual teachers, my friends... or just anyone that I had and would cross path with in my life. The dragonflies are almost symmetrical. They are facing each other, but not in entirety. It symbolizes that while we are connected in this universe, sharing a bond, a love, a relationship, a friendship or whatever it may be; we are still our own individuals walking our own journey in this space. Although we share a kind of interdependence on one another, we are also independent beings responsible for our own happiness, actions, lessons and experiences.

When I showed my daughter my tattoo, expecting her to say "wow... dragonfly..." Her response awe me. She went, "eeeee.... what happened, mommy??" I went on to explained that I got a tattoo and when I asked her if it was nice, she shook her head quickly and turned away. When I tried showing her again, she got really worried and told me to put down my shirt! hahaha.. it was hilarious.. and I think she found it a little scary that there is now something new on my back! hahaha.. cute...

Anyway, it's fun. I am actually already thinking of my second tattoo.. hahaha... Now I have learnt that a tattoo is a very personal one (thanks Gladys, for explaining it to me :)), I will slowly take my time to search and design what next that I hold dear to my heart, and want to make a statement of.

But for the moment, enough of excitement la - had the belly re-pierced, tattoo and ear re-pierced all within a month wei!! I think I will take a break for now! :P

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